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High Court asked to take up class action against BHP for second time
Class Actions 2025-03-13 11:08 pm By Sam Matthews

A drawn out class action against BHP has asked the High Court to clarify the correct approach to construing a group member definition, after a bid to retroactively amend the class was nixed on appeal.

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BHP says ‘extremely significant’ changes to class action put trial date at risk
Energy & Natural Resources 2025-02-25 3:26 pm By Sam Matthews

BHP has asked for more time to grapple with a shareholder class action’s amended pleading, saying the changes, if allowed, threaten to derail the trial start date in September.

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WiseTech shareholder class action loses bid for early discovery
Class Actions 2025-02-19 2:53 pm By Andy Sidler

A judge has declined an early bid for broad discovery in a shareholder class action against tech firm WiseTech, after hearing it would require the production of “truckloads” of irrelevant material.

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BHP class action can expand group definition, but not retroactively
Appeals 2025-02-12 10:34 am By Cindy Cameronne

A class action against BHP can include in the group member definition investors who bought shares on secondary platforms, but the change can’t apply retroactively.

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HSBC may face new claim in ASIC case alleging lax scam prevention
Financial Services 2025-02-07 3:15 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

British banking giant HSBC could face a new claim in ASIC proceedings alleging it failed to adequately protect customers from scams, a court has heard.

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Top 10 class action settlements of 2024
Class Actions 2025-01-03 7:25 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Class action settlements leaped in value last year, with three settlements topping the $200 million mark.

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MLC Super class action settles for $64.25M
Financial Services 2024-12-06 12:54 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A class action on behalf of 330,000 super members has settled against the trustees of the MLC Super fund, just days after another superannuation class action flopped.

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In class action defence, Toyota says ‘defeat device’ used to protect engines
Competition & Consumer Protection 2024-12-03 11:47 pm By Andy Sidler

Toyota has denied a class action’s claims that devices installed in its vehicles were intended to cheat emissions tests, maintaining that they were designed to protect engines from damage.

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Class action dropped against Westpac unit, applicant to get $1.5M costs
Class Actions 2024-11-20 2:50 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has approved the discontinuance of a class action against a Westpac subsidiary after the funder bowed out. 

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Velocity Rewards joined to Virgin class action despite ‘barely arguable’ claim
Class Actions 2024-11-11 4:43 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has allowed investors bringing a class action against Virgin to join Velocity Rewards to the case, despite finding the proposed claims against the frequent flyer program are “barely arguable”. 

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