The lawyer representing applicants in sexual harassment and discrimination class actions against mining giants BHP and Rio Tinto has said there may be thousands of group members.
A former chief of staff to Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles has resolved her case alleging she was forced out after complaints of bullying.
The federal government has launched a cross-claim against private security companies G4S and ACM in a class action on behalf of asylum seekers held in two immigration detention centres in South Australia.
Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles’ chief of staff has called out her boss for “quibbling” in her case alleging she was pushed out after complaining about bullying.
A judge has issued a five-year suppression order over documents in a settled lawsuit by a former Seven journalist, saying the order was necessary to incentivize settlements in similar cases.
Ten has resolved a case by former journalist Tegan George that alleged the network’s Canberra bureau had a culture that was “sexually hostile, demeaning and oppressive”.
Seven Network has resolved a workplace lawsuit by former Spotlight reporter Amelia Saw, but the details of the settlement, like the case itself, are under wraps.
Seven has won a suppression order over an ex-Spotlight reporter’s claim, with a judge finding that public access to the “colourful and embarrassing” claim could adversely affect mediation.
Seven has sought a suppression order over former Spotlight reporter Amelia Saw’s workplace claim against the TV network, arguing publicity would impede settlement negotiations.
Consulting giant Accenture has failed to keep a human resources executive’s claims of Fair Work breaches out of the public eye, with a court finding prior publication of the allegations would render a suppression order pointless.