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In latest setback for shareholder class actions, judge finds Iluka did not breach disclosure rules
Class Actions 2022-02-07 11:21 am By Christine Caulfield

Investors have lost their class action against Perth-based Iluka Resources, the latest shareholder class action to fail after pushing through to trial.

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Judge shoots down ‘audacious’ McMillan Shakespeare claim for surplus class action funds
Class Actions 2021-12-22 5:17 pm By Miklos Bolza

A judge has rejected an “audacious” attempt by McMillan Shakespeare to recoup a surplus of funds left over after a $9.5 million class action settlement was distributed to registered group members.

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‘Full-blooded’ fight brewing between competing a2 Milk class actions
Class Actions 2021-12-10 4:21 pm By Bianca Hrovat

A “full-blooded carriage fight” is set down for next year between two competing class actions alleging dairy giant a2 Milk misled shareholders with an overly optimistic prediction of its infant formula sales.

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‘Awkward’ reforms spell end to open class actions, barristers say
Class Actions 2021-10-07 11:08 pm By Miklos Bolza

Class action reforms proposed last week by the Morrison government would lead to the “rapid abandonment” of open class actions by law firms and litigation funders, two leading barristers have argued.

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Zoom fatigue hits barristers hard as COVID-19 keeps courts online
Feature 2021-09-21 9:37 pm By Bianca Hrovat

The migration to the digital courtroom is taking its toll on the nation’s barristers, who face increased challenges and levels of fatigue from the mental load of conducting hearings remotely.

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Allianz loses bid for class action beauty parade
Class Actions 2021-09-15 1:33 pm By Miklos Bolza

A judge has signed off on a proposal by two law firms to jointly run a consolidated class action against Allianz over add-on car insurance, shooting down the insurer’s argument that a beauty contest would promote competitive contingency fee rates.

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Allianz says joint class action would eliminate competition in contingency fee rates
Class Actions 2021-07-16 3:21 pm By Christine Caulfield

Consolidation of two consumer class actions against Allianz would do away with competition in a contest to lead a single case that would force a drop in the contingency fee rates of the rival law firms, the insurance giant has told a court.

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Fonterra can’t keep company name out of class action website domain
Class Actions 2021-05-28 3:58 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Dairy co-operative Fonterra has lost a bid to keep the company’s name out of the domain of a website to be set up for a class action brought by farmers alleging they were unlawfully underpaid when Fonterra slashed milk prices and sought a “clawback” in 2016.

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Novel argument doesn’t save Gladstone Ports class action from costs, court says
Class Actions 2021-03-22 8:59 pm By Christine Caulfield

A judge has ruled the plaintiffs in the Gladstone Ports class action cannot reserve the legal costs of an application to avoid disclosure of expert reports, despite finding they had raised a novel issue.

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Andrews government to seek quick end to COVID-19 class actions
COVID-19 2021-03-04 11:32 am By Christine Caulfield

The Victorian government will argue for summary dismissal of two class actions filed over the bungled COVID-19 hotel quarantine program said to be responsible for the state’s second pandemic wave last year.

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