The funder behind a class action against Transport for NSW that has switched law firms five times has been hit with indemnity costs after it failed to brief a barrister in a dispute over its bid to rescind trust funds.
The funder bankrolling a class action by residents allegedly displaced by the construction of the $16.8 billion WestConnex tunnel has abandoned the case.
The funder backing a class action over the construction of Sydney’s WestConnex tunnel has come up short in a dispute with the matter’s lead plaintiffs.
A funder bankrolling a class action against the NSW government over the construction of Sydneyâs $16 billion Westconnex tunnel is locked in a dispute with the lead applicants over $135,000 held in a trust account, and wants to replace the plaintiffs and their solicitors, the third group of lawyers to run the case.
A class action against Transport for NSW over the alleged fraudulent acquisition of land to construct the $16 billion Westconnex tunnel in Sydney has been put on ice until the funder and the lead plaintiff can resolve a potential dispute.Â
A new law firm has taken over from Quinn Emanuel in a class action against Transport for NSW over the alleged fraudulent acquisition of land to construct the $16 billion Westconnex tunnel in Sydney, after the mystery funder that’s backing the case lost its bid to avoid security.
Transport for NSW has refused to hand over transactional documents related to its $16 billion Westconnex project in a class action over the alleged fraudulent acquisition of land to construct the tunnel in inner western Sydney.Â
The High Court has refused to hear an appeal of a decision forcing an unnamed litigation funder to provide $415,000 in security for the NSW governmentâs defence costs in a class action over the alleged fraudulent acquisition of land for construction of the $16 billion WestConnex tunnel.
A judge has fined superannuation fund promoter MobiSuper and licensee ZIB Financial $250,000 for misleading marketing calls.
An appeals court has rejected a bid to challenge a decision forcing an unnamed litigation funder to give $415,000 in security for the NSW governmentâs defence costs in a class action alleging the fraudulent acquisition of land for the construction of the $16 billion WestConnex tunnel.