The ACT government has lost its bid for the dismissal of a class action lodged by social housing residents who allege they were unlawfully forced to relocate.
X Corp is going to the Full Federal Court with its challenge to an infringement notice by eSafety over the social media platform’s handling of child exploitation material.
A class action on behalf of public housing tenants who were allegedly forced to relocate is facing a bid for summary judgment by the ACT government, which claims it is not the correct respondent.
The Northern Territory public housing authority has moved to throw out a class action’s claims that it engaged in racial discrimination by failing to maintain public housing in remote Aboriginal communities.
The High Court has found that tenants can be compensated for distress and disappointment caused by a landlord’s failure to meet a statutory requirement to maintain the security of a property, in a case brought by an elderly tenant from a remote Indigenous community whose house had no back door for over five years.
The Victoria Supreme Court has dismissed a bid to quash the Environment Protection Authority’s decision to renew the mining licences of the state’s three remaining coal power stations, in a test case for the state’s Climate Change Act.
Victoria’s environment watchdog has been taken to court over its decision to renew the licences of the state’s three remaining coal power stations, a test case under the state’s Climate Change Act and the latest in a series of climate lawsuits.
A judge has dismissed a class action accusing Government ministers of misfeasance in public office over the practice of securing Nauruan visas for those detained on the island.