Former NAB superannuation fund trustee NULIS is seeking the first ever award of indemnity costs in a class action that flopped following the rejection of a settlement offer.
In the latest class action loss, a judge has said that $165 million in fees charged to members by NAB super fund trustee NULIS Nominees was corporate revenue “with which it was free to deal as it saw fit”.
A class action against NAB unit NULIS Nominees over adviser fees charged to superannuation fund members should be dismissed, a judge has found.
The judge overseeing an $100 million class action against NAB over the collapse of Walton Construction has rejected the bank’s bid for soft class closure ahead of mediation.
A class action against Carnival over a COVID-19 outbreak aboard its Ruby Princess cruise ship has told the Full Court the lead applicant is entitled to damages “far in excess” of the $4,000 awarded by the trial judge for distress and disappointment.
Cruise operator Carnival PLC has mounted a cross-appeal aimed at overturning a judge’s finding that it negligently failed to prevent a COVID-19 outbreak aboard the Ruby Princess cruise ship, telling the Full Court that the primary judge’s findings were not consistent with his reasons.
The NSW appeals court has clarified the operation of the Uniform Law in the state, finding that insurers offering professional indemnity insurance to legal practitioners must be approved by the state’s Attorney General.
Two judges have declined to award carriage of a class action against International Capital Markets over risky derivative products to a firm accused of plagiarising its rivals’ pleading.
In a contest to run a class action against International Capital Markets over risky derivative products, a proposed consolidated proceeding has taken aim at third-to-file Banton Group for allegedly copying its case.
Trial has been set for next May in a case by Australian parents that accuses EnergyAustralia of engaging in misleading conduct in promoting a “carbon neutral” program, a case that puts carbon offset credits under scrutiny.