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Judge allows docs despite ‘real risk’ of prosecution for ex-Directed Electronics manager
Intellectual Property 2020-02-17 11:44 am By Miklos Bolza

A former manager of Australian electronics automotive developer Directed Electronics OE has failed to block access to certain documents in a corporate theft case, despite the Federal Court finding they gave rise to a “real and appreciable risk” of civil or criminal prosecution against him.

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Full Federal Court rejects US exception to privilege against self incrimination
Appeals 2019-11-05 3:33 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The sole director and shareholder of OE Solutions can challenge a ruling ordering him to hand over seized documents to Australian automotive electronics developer Directed Electronics OE, with the Full Federal Court declining to adopt US precedent that carves out an exception to the privilege against self-incrimination for corporate custodians.

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Delegate slams door on REA Group’s home loans trade mark
Intellectual Property 2019-09-02 8:22 pm By Miklos Bolza

A mortgage broker has successfully opposed REA Group’s application to trade mark “ Home Loans”, with a delegate finding the mark is not adapted to distinguish REA’s online services.

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