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ACCC to sink allegations Samsung had no reasonable grounds for waterproof claims
Competition & Consumer Protection 2021-03-03 4:27 pm By Spencer Fowler Steen

The Australian Competition & Consumer Commission has retreated from its claim Samsung Electronics allegedly made false, misleading and deceptive representations when marketing the water resistant capabilities of its Galaxy smartphones without reasonable grounds.

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Apple doesn’t have to produce info on Australian users in Epic Games competition case
Competition & Consumer Protection 2021-03-03 2:28 pm By Christine Caulfield

Tech giant Apple will not be forced to hand over documents about Australian users to Epic Games ahead of argument on Apple’s application to shut down the game maker’s competition case, a judge has ruled, likening Epic’s imprecise notice to produce to the “cheerful pastime of drift netting”.

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Judge refuses class action’s bid to amend forex cartel case against banks
Class Actions 2021-02-01 3:24 pm By Christine Caulfield

A judge has sided with five investments banks and rejected a bid to amend a class action alleging a series of cartel agreements to rig foreign exchange rates, saying there were “substantial problems” with the proposed pleadings.

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The top litigation law firms of 2020
Feature 2021-01-27 11:21 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Lawyerly’s Litigation Firms of 2020 delivered significant victories for clients last year in bet-the-company matters, thriving in a tumultuous year that saw courts and litigants adapt to virtual trials and other new norms that are sure to outlast the COVID-19 pandemic.

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$100M Woolworths shareholder class action set for February hearing
Class Actions 2021-01-20 3:31 pm By Miklos Bolza

Trial is set to begin February 2 in a $100 million shareholder class action against Woolworths over a February 2015 profit downgrade that allegedly led to a drop in the company’s share price.

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Law firm to expand Crown shareholder class action on back of gaming authority report
Class Actions 2020-12-17 3:21 pm By Miklos Bolza

Three days after launching a class action against Crown Resorts over potential anti-money laundering breaches revealed at a NSW gaming authority inquiry, Maurice Blackburn has said it will amend the pleadings in a separate shareholder class action against the casino giant using findings from the inquiry’s final report.

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Crown Resorts hit with class action over money laundering compliance
Class Actions 2020-12-14 12:01 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Maurice Blackburn has hit Crown Resorts with a shareholder class action alleging the casino giant had lax anti-money laundering compliance systems in place overĀ  a six-year period.

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ASIC won’t challenge loss in Tennis Australia case, but more claims may be coming
Sports 2020-12-09 9:52 pm By Miklos Bolza

ASIC will not appeal a Federal Court decision tossing the majority of its case against former Tennis Australia director Harold Mitchell and accusing the regulator of “confirmatory bias” in bringing the case, but has foreshadowed fresh claims related to allegedly inconsistent statements given during its investigation.

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Apple to seek stay of Epic Games competition lawsuit
Competition & Consumer Protection 2020-12-08 11:16 am By Cat Fredenburgh

Apple wants to stay a competition lawsuit brought by video game developer Epic Games in Australia, claiming a clause in its developer contract requires any dispute between them to be heard in a California court.

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Kogan hit with $350,000 penalty for misleading TAXTIME promotion
Competition & Consumer Protection 2020-12-07 1:07 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Online retailer Kogan has been hit with a $350,000 penalty for misleading customers during its 2018 TAXTIME promotion by offering discounts on products whose prices had been inflated, far short of the $2 million penalty sought by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.

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