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Law firm with lowest ever GCO wins battle to run Star class action
Class Actions 2023-09-19 12:12 pm By Sam Matthews

One law firm has emerged victorious in a four-way contest to run a shareholder class action against Star Entertainment with the lowest proposed group costs order since contingency fees legislation was enacted in Victoria. 

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ANZ, Suncorp gear up for fight with ACCC over $4.9B merger
Competition & Consumer Protection 2023-09-12 11:25 pm By Sam Matthews

A battle with the competition regulator over the proposed ANZ, Suncorp tie-up has begun, with the first clash involving a group of rival lenders that want their submissions to the ACCC kept under lock and key.

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Law firms to team up in shareholder class action against Medibank
Securities 2023-09-06 11:44 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge has approved a bid to consolidate two shareholder class actions against Medibank over a cyberattack that affected 10 million customers, finding that having two firms on the record is better than a carriage contest.

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Medibank to sue privacy commissioner over possible contempt
Privacy & Cybersecurity 2023-08-31 2:48 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge has endorsed Medibank’s bid to sue the OAIC so the court can weigh in on the health insurer’s bid to halt the regulator’s investigation in favour of a class action over its October data breach, saying the OAIC’s interference with the court proceedings could constitute a contempt of court.

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United Petroleum class action fights ‘stultifying’ security bid
Franchises 2023-08-29 9:41 pm By Sam Matthews

A franchisee class action against United Petroleum over the installation of allegedly loss-making Pie Face stores at its franchise sites is fighting two applications for security for costs which it says can’t be met, as funders take little interest in the case.

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$6M suit over Latitude trampoline park share sale thrown out
Contracts 2023-07-18 5:21 pm By Gareth Baker

A Chinese businessman behind the Latitude indoor trampoline park chain has failed in a lawsuit against his Australian co-investor, after claiming a share sale agreement between the two was breached when his partner decided to sell the business to competitor Bounce. 

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Firm with lowest contingency fee wins praise in Star class action beauty parade
Class Actions 2023-06-28 11:41 pm By Sam Matthews

As the knives come out in a contest between four law firms battling to run an $80 million class action against Star Entertainment, a court-appointed barrister has named his favourites – one of which has proposed a contingency fee of just 14 per cent.

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ASIC, NAB clash over $10M penalty exposes ‘vague status’ of concise claims, judge says
Financial Services 2023-06-06 3:53 pm By Sam Matthews

NAB has told a court it should pay a $2 million penalty — not the $10 million proposed by ASIC  — for engaging in unconscionable conduct by overcharging customers, saying the exact words used in the regulator’s concise statement accuse it only of a single contravention.

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Are the courts really plagued by duplicative class actions?
Analysis 2023-05-15 12:39 pm By Christine Caulfield

A fed-up judge has vented his frustration with the problem of competing class actions in a move that appears to punish the second filed case against Medibank. But is he right that the courts are increasingly being asked to deal with duplicative proceedings? And was his order really all that drastic?

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‘Plagued with competing class actions’: Judge stays latecomer Medibank case for now
Class Actions 2023-05-12 1:26 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge aggrieved by the “plague” of competing class actions in the courts has temporarily stayed a second data breach class action against Medibank, and directed the health insurer to ask the privacy commissioner to drop the investigation of a third case.

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