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Seven, Kerry Stokesā€™ privacy should be ā€˜respectedā€™ in Ben Roberts-Smith case, says judge
Defamation 2023-09-28 3:04 pm By Cindy Cameronne

In allowing Seven and chairman Kerry Stokes to challenge a ruling granting Fairfax access to 8,600 emails with accused war criminal Ben Roberts-Smithā€™s legal team, a judge has said they will suffer prejudice if ā€œpersonally embarrassingā€ communications are put into evidence.Ā 

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Law firm, funder seek $13.8M cut from $26M Ardent Leisure class action settlement
Class Actions 2023-09-27 1:22 pm By Sam Matthews

The firm and funder that ran a shareholder class action against Ardent Leisure over the 2016 Dreamworld tragedy are seeking deductions totalling more than half of the $26 million settlement reached in the case.

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Seven can challenge production of emails in Ben Roberts-Smith case
Defamation 2023-09-25 10:00 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Seven Network and chairman Kerry Stokes can challenge a ruling allowing Fairfax to access thousands of “deeply personal” emails sent to and from former soldier Ben Roberts-Smith during his defamation case.

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Seven says subpoenas in Ben Roberts-Smith case would reveal ‘deeply personal’ emails
Defamation 2023-09-22 11:55 pm By Sam Matthews

Subpoenas granting Fairfax access to thousands of emails to and from former soldier Ben Roberts-Smith, represent ā€œa very real and profound intrusion into private affairs,ā€ a court has heard.

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Ben Roberts-Smith funder Seven says ruling on emails has ‘far reaching implications’
Defamation 2023-09-08 2:56 pm By Sam Matthews

Former soldier Ben Roberts-Smith and Seven Network, which funded his defamation case, have asked for the Full Federal Court to weigh in on appeals against a decision requiring the production of thousands of emails passing between them, which the broadcaster said has implications for all funded proceedings.

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Feuding light rail class action solicitors must ā€˜put pride asideā€™ and work together, judge says
Class Actions 2023-09-06 11:31 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Two law firms that have been jointly running a class action against the NSW government over light rail construction in Sydney are now competing to run the case solo, after their relationship broke down and the funder lost confidence in one of the firms, a court has heard.

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Receivers reach agreement with Melissa Caddick’s husband
Restructuring & Insolvency 2023-09-06 11:53 pm By Sam Matthews

The receivers of Melissa Caddickā€™s estate have reached an in-principle agreement with the Sydney frauster’s husband and son in relation to the division of a small number of remaining assets.

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Roberts-Smith’s case an abuse of process, Fairfax tells court in costs bid
Defamation 2023-09-04 2:11 pm By Christine Caulfield

Former SAS soldier Ben Roberts-Smith should pay all costs reasonably incurred by Fairfax in successfully defending itself in his defamation case, which took more than 100 trial days and was an abuse of process, a court has heard.

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Heston Russell defamation judge ‘disturbed’ by ABC press release
Defamation 2023-08-30 11:13 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge overseeing the defamation trial of former commando Heston Russell said he was “disturbed” by an ABC press release following the broadcaster’s decision to drop its public interest defence on the eve of trial, which was reinstated days later.

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Truth shouldn’t ā€˜straitjacketā€™ public interest defence, says judge in Heston Russell case
Defamation 2023-08-29 10:16 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge hearing closing submissions in Heston Russell’s defamation case against the ABC has expressed ā€œsignificant reservationsā€ about evidence by the former commando and said that a ā€œless than completeā€ story could still be protected under the new public interest defence.

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