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Judge sets course to avoid ‘Brobdingnagian’ trial in PFAS class actions
Class Actions 2021-08-20 5:31 pm By Miklos Bolza

With mediation failing to resolve an expansive class action against the federal government over its use of allegedly toxic firefighting foam, a judge has charted a plan to avoid a “Brobdingnagian” trial and efficiently determine the claims of group members around eight military bases across Australia.

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Two years is too long, says judge in Willis Towers Watson restraint of trade dispute
Employment 2021-08-03 10:47 pm By Christine Caulfield

Financial services giant Willis Towers Watson ordered a former executive to lie to clients on his way out of the organisation and imposed an “unreasonable” two-year employment restraint, a NSW Supreme Court has found.

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Activists notch High Court victory over expansion of Queensland coal mine
Environment 2021-02-03 9:09 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A Queensland activist group has come up trumps in a drawn-out legal battle against New Acland Coal’s proposed expansion of a coal mine, with the High Court striking down previous lower court rulings giving it the green light.

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High Court won’t hear Melco’s challenge to doc production order in Crown inquiry
Securities 2020-06-10 2:48 pm By Christine Caulfield

Hong Kong-based casino group Melco Resorts has lost an application for special leave to the High Court to weigh in on a ruling that a NSW public inquiry into James Packer’s Crown Resorts had the power of a royal commission and could order privileged documents to be handed over.

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Melco must produce docs to Crown Resorts inquiry, appeals court says
White Collar 2020-03-12 10:00 pm By Christine Caulfield

Hong Kong-based casino group Melco Resorts must hand over documents claimed to be privileged to a NSW public inquiry into James Packer’s Crown Resorts, with an appeals court ruling the inquiry had the power of a royal commission.

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Full Federal Court gets chance to weigh in on market-based causation
Appeals 2019-11-21 4:16 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Shareholders have appealed a ruling that found a “serious problem” with market-based causation and dismissed three cases against the liquidator of failed global financial services firm Babcock & Brown.

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Judge sends HIH Insurance legal fee fight back to the drawing board
Restructuring & Insolvency 2019-11-07 10:22 pm By Miklos Bolza

A NSW Supreme Court judge has raised concerns about a dispute over fees owed to two law firms and a funder in relation to four shareholder actions brought against the liquidators of HIH Insurance.

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Legal fee fight looms in HIH Insurance shareholder actions
Restructuring & Insolvency 2019-10-21 9:58 pm By Miklos Bolza

Lawyers behind four quasi representative proceedings against the liquidators of collapsed HIH Insurance have launched a bid to recoup the costs of their successful 18-year-long legal battle.

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Judge tosses Babcock & Brown cases, finds ‘serious problems’ with market-based causation
Securities 2019-10-21 8:47 pm By Miklos Bolza

A judge has dismissed three proceedings by shareholders against the liquidator of failed global financial services firm Babcock & Brown, in a finding that highlights “serious problems” with market-based causation and may have ramifications for securities class actions.

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NRL says Telstra wanted ‘tough action’ following player scandals
Employment 2019-07-30 6:48 pm By Amelia Birnie

The National Rugby League has revealed major sponsor Telstra demanded “tough action” after the so-called “Summer of Hell” of player scandals, as it attempts to defend its no fault stand-down rule in an appeal launched by Dragons player Jack de Belin challenging his suspension.

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