US-based satellite broadband provider Viasat has lost its bid to appeal an arbitral ruling that rejected its damages claim against the subcontractor on a Department of Defence project.
The High Court has ruled that NSW builders cannot point fingers at their subcontractors as concurrent wrongdoers for negligent construction defects under the Design and Building Practitioners Act.
An appeal by a family-owned Adelaide deli in a trade mark fight with an Italian food hall in Melbourne has fallen flat.
A court has found insurer Lloyds of London does not have to indemnify real estate agent Attree for underpayment claims by employees.
A class action on behalf of 330,000 super members has settled against the trustees of the MLC Super fund, just days after another superannuation class action flopped.
A Supreme Court judge, a university head, a competition law specialist and a defamation expert are among eight new appointments to the Federal Court announced Friday.
A class action brought by former clients of Melissa Caddick, who were defrauded out of $23 million, have settled their claims against a group of SMSF auditors.
Online retailer The Iconic has taken Chinese fast fashion giant Shein to court for allegedly infringing the trade mark for its ‘Dazie’ brand with the company’s ‘Dazy’ clothing line.
The High Court will hear former Liberal MP Andrew Laming’s challenge to a $40,000 fine he copped for failing to disclose his authorship of three politically-motivated Facebook posts.
A class action against online trading platform IG Markets over alleged risky contracts for difference may drop its conflicted remuneration claims after struggling to find a sample group member.