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High Court shoots down Volkswagen’s challenge to landmark $125M dieselgate penalty
Competition & Consumer Protection 2021-11-12 12:31 pm By Miklos Bolza

The High Court has rejected Volkswagen’s special leave application to challenge a record $125 million penalty for selling cars with a defeat device that allowed them to cheat on emissions tests.

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ASIC hits Griffin Coal with criminal charges over financial reports
Energy & Natural Resources 2021-11-12 8:53 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has hit beleaguered mining firm Griffin Coal with criminal charges over its alleged failure to lodge annual financial reports for 2019 and 2020.

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Victoria COVID-19 vaccination challenge won’t go to trial before mandate expires
COVID-19 2021-11-12 3:20 pm By Bianca Hrovat

A judge has made the “regrettable” call to postpone the trial in a case brought by  workers challenging the Victorian government’s COVID-19 health directions until after they expire, blaming the workers for creating a series of “fruitless” delays.

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Class action barristers among 16 new senior counsel appointments
People In The News 2021-11-11 3:05 pm By Bianca Hrovat

The Supreme Court of Victoria has appointed 16 barristers to silk, nine of whom are women, including two barristers who have worked on high-stakes class action litigation.

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Pitcher Partners, EY point finger at Slater & Gordon’s lawyers in class action trial
Class Actions 2021-11-11 9:45 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Accounting firms Pitcher Partners and Ernst & Young have blamed the lawyers who advised on Slater & Gordon’s disastrous $1.2 Quindell acquisition for the its massive losses in 2016, saying they failed to point out the “commercial misjudgment” of agreeing to the deal.

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NT hit with class action over ‘discriminatory’ healthcare services
Class Actions 2021-11-11 5:05 pm By Miklos Bolza

The Northern Territory government has been hit with a class action alleging it discriminated against Indigenous Australians in Wadeye by failing to provide proper healthcare services.

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Court orders CBA to hand over oil and gas project books in climate change case
Climate change 2021-11-11 5:23 pm By Miklos Bolza

The Commonwealth Bank of Australia will have to hand over a preliminary tranche of documents relating to seven large-scale oil and gas projects it is financing in a lawsuit that will test whether the bank has complied with its stated commitments on climate change.

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GetSwift mulls appeal of scathing judgment on ‘PR-driven’ approach to ASX statements
Class Actions 2021-11-11 5:51 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Logistics company GetSwift says it is considering an appeal of an 859-page judgment which lambasted the company and its directors’ “public relations-driven approach” to announcements on the Australian Stock Exchange.

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WA Premier engaged in ‘disgraceful and dishonourable’ conduct, Clive Palmer tells defamation judge
Defamation 2021-11-11 3:16 pm By Miklos Bolza

The court has given the green light to an amended defamation defence by Clive Palmer which accuses Western Australia Premier Mark McGowan of “disgraceful and dishonourable conduct” and abusing his position by hastily and secretly enacting legislation that barred the billionaire mining magnate from suing the state for $30 billion.

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GetSwift breached law through ‘public relations-driven approach’ to ASX statements, court finds
Securities 2021-11-10 1:46 pm By Miklos Bolza

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has scored a victory in its long-running case against GetSwift, with the Federal Court finding the company and its directors breached the Corporations Act and ASIC Act through their “public relations-driven approach” to announcements on the Australian Stock Exchange.

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