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Lawyer who allegedly doctored invoices, stole from client can’t stay suspension
Legal Ethics 2021-10-06 9:09 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A Sydney solicitor accused of stealing over $130,000 from a client and doctoring five invoices has lost a bid to pause the NSW Law Society’s suspension of her certificate after a judge found there was a “very significant” risk of harm to the public if she continued to practice.

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Carnival keeps up fight to exclude foreign passengers from class action
Competition & Consumer Protection 2021-10-06 5:44 pm By Christine Caulfield

Carnival has launched a challenge to last month’s court finding that overseas passengers could remain group members in a class action over the 2020 Ruby Princess COVID-19 outbreak.

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8 tips from top silks for nailing virtual cross-examination
Feature 2021-10-05 9:27 pm By Miklos Bolza

After more than a year-and-a-half of virtual trials, Australia’s barristers have adapted and come up with the best techniques to maintain an edge when cross-examining witnesses in the virtual courtroom.

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Insurers accused of misleading policyholders in COVID-19 insurance class actions
Insurance 2021-10-05 2:36 pm By Bianca Hrovat

Insurers are misleading policyholders about class actions which seek compensation for those denied business interruption coverage for COVID-related shutdowns, a court has heard.

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Colonial must give class action info on financial position after ‘unsatisfactory’ liability transfer
Financial Services 2021-10-05 2:11 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has told a Colonial First State Investments unit to provide information about its financial position to the lead applicant in a class action and criticised the company for failing to disclose that it had transferred its liabilities after the class action was launched.

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Public good overrides individual rights in COVID-19 pandemic, NSW tells court
Trials 2021-10-05 9:30 pm By Bianca Hrovat

The New South Wales government has accused anti-vaccination advocates of having a “misguided” and “one-dimensional focus” on the fundamental rights of the individual over those of a community contending with the highly-contagious Delta variant of COVID-19. 

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Raptis Group hit with freezing order after allegedly dodging $110M in tax bills
Tax 2021-10-05 6:35 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The Australian Taxation Office has won an urgent bid to freeze the assets of James Raptis and 11 associated entities, after accusing the Queensland property developer of dodging $109.5 million in taxes since 2000.

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AMP may try to stay financial planner’s lawsuit in light of BOLR class action
Financial Services 2021-10-05 1:21 pm By Miklos Bolza

AMP has flagged a potential stay of a lawsuit filed by a Sydney-based financial planner against that overlaps with a class action brought by advisors alleging they suffered financial losses from changes in the company’s buyer of last resort policy.

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Westpac wants contempt conviction against Forum’s Bill Papas but can’t find him
White Collar 2021-10-01 6:27 pm By Miklos Bolza

Westpac wants Forum Finance founder Bill Papas held in contempt of court, but the bank has hit a snag in serving its motion on the missing Papas, saying he dropped his lawyers without telling them the address of his current residence in Greece.

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‘The line was crossed’: Challengers to COVID-19 vaccine mandate claim human rights abuses
COVID-19 2021-10-01 9:14 pm By Bianca Hrovat

Individuals challenging public health orders mandating COVID-19 vaccinations for certain workers in New South Wales have told a court “the line was crossed” when the state government threatened their livelihoods.

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