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Ben Roberts-Smith wants to bring claim against ex-wife’s friend
Defamation 2021-09-08 4:11 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Accused war criminal Ben Roberts-Smith has filed an application to bring a claim against the close friend of his ex-wife in a case accusing his former spouse of unlawfully accessing his email account containing privileged communications with lawyers.

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Judge pushes on with penalty despite Qantas appeal in case over ground crew
Employment 2021-09-08 5:40 pm By Miklos Bolza

Qantas Airways is seeking to overturn a Federal Court finding that its decision to axe 2,000 ground staff and replace them with labour hire workers during the COVID-19 pandemic was made partially to stop workers engaging in industrial action.

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Full Court slams judge’s reasons as ‘disordered stream of consciousness’
Employment 2021-09-07 6:10 pm By Miklos Bolza

The Full Federal Court has issued a severe rebuke to a judge for his decision in an employment dispute, calling the judgment a “disordered stream of consciousness” and saying it had no choice but to send the matter back for a retrial.

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Allianz units fined $1.5M for misleading insurance sales on Expedia
Insurance 2021-09-07 2:23 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Allianz Australia and its travel insurance unit AWP Australia have been hit with $1.5 million in penalties in ASIC’s case alleging the insurance companies misled customers while selling travel insurance on Expedia websites.

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Global banks sued for withdrawing support for Jabiru satellite
Financial Services 2021-09-07 5:55 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Eight major banks, including Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank and Citicorp, are facing a lawsuit for withdrawing financial support for a project to build and launch the first independently owned satellite in Australia.

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Judge to hear Hells Angels, Redbubble trial this year ‘come hell or high water’
Intellectual Property 2021-09-07 2:54 pm By Bianca Hrovat

A judge has lit a fire under the Hells Angels Motorcycle Corporation, giving the motorcycle club just one day to formally amend its trade mark infringement case against RedBubble and vowing to bring the case to trial by November 2, “come hell or high water”.

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Lockdown didn’t trigger business interruption policy in COVID-19 test case, IAG tells court
Insurance 2021-09-06 10:05 pm By Christine Caulfield

Lockdown orders by the Victorian government and an international travel ban in place last year during the first wave of COVID-19 did not trigger a business interruption clause in an IAG policy at the centre of a test case brought by insurers, a judge heard Monday.

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PwC partner was used to give ‘cloak of privilege’ to work, ATO tells court
Tax 2021-09-06 9:02 pm By Miklos Bolza

Accounting giant PricewaterhouseCoopers used one of its legally qualified partners as a “postbox” to provide a “cloak of privilege” to work conducted for meat processing company JBS, the Commissioner of Taxation has told the Federal Court.

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ASIC’s cybersecurity test case ‘completely incoherent’, IOOF unit tells judge
Privacy & Cybersecurity 2021-09-06 9:47 pm By Bianca Hrovat

An IOOF unit accused of failing to protect its clients against cybersecurity risks has slammed ASIC’s claims in the novel case, describing the regulator’s further amended statement of claim as “grossly unfair” and “completely incoherent”.

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Shareholders fail to prove loss from Babcock & Brown disclosure breaches
Financial Services 2021-09-06 11:49 am By Christine Caulfield

Shareholders of the collapsed Babcock & Brown have failed in their challenge to a ruling tossing their cases for damages for disclosure breaches during the global financial crisis, with an appeals court finding the investors had not shown the breaches caused any loss.

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