A former lover of prominent Sydney barrister and former mayor David Rofe QC has lost a feud over his $27 million estate, with a judge confirming the validity of a will written years after Rofe was diagnosed with dementia.
Herald Sun executive Dr Colin Rubenstein has settled a lawsuit by former Labor MP Melissa Parke accusing him of defaming her in an email and article relating to her 2019 pre-selection speech, after she failed in a bid to strike down his honest opinion defence.
Victoria’s solicitor-general, who led the state government in its successful defence of two legal challenges to its COVID-19 restrictions last year, has been appointed to the Court of Appeal.
A judge has found the Commonwealth and Murray Darling Basin Authority are not “public authorities”, striking out large portions of their defence in a class action brought by farmers alleging negligent oversight of water management in the critical Australian river system.
Reckitt Benckiser has resolved its lawsuit against US consumer goods giant SC Johnson over allegedly misleading ads touting its “can’t miss” Raid Max insecticide, just months after a judge criticised Reckitt’s “excessively literal and strained” reading of the ads.
A former Telstra employee has lost her challenge to a ruling which denied her workers compensation for a hip injury suffered after a night out during a work trip, finding it did not arise out of her employment simply because it took place at the hotel booked by the telco.
The High Court has granted special leave to hear a first-of-its-kind dispute over a number of airplane engines leased by the beleaguered Virgin Airlines, which may result in the airline’s administrators using company funds to cover the costs of shipping the engines back to Florida.
PricewaterhouseCoopers has won access to communications between a Chinese lender and its lawyers at Baker McKenzie in a legal stoush over a failed bid to launch the first Chinese bank incorporated in Australia.
A judge has ordered ASIC to provide more detail in its case accusing personal lender ClearLoans of contravening the hardship provisions of the credit laws, in the regulator’s first case related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
A judge has thrown out a lawsuit brought by famed Richmond pub The Corner Hotel against a jazz club formed in partnership with iconic New York club Birdland alleging infringement of its ‘corner’ trade marks.