Macquarie Bank has been ordered to fork out $330,000 to dozens of former advisers for a “defective and deficient” system which saw the bank fail to pay a raft of employment entitlements.
A judge has told a unit of US energy giant Chevron Corporation to consider narrowing its trade mark dispute against Australian petrol station operator Ampol, as the parties consider whether to take the matter to an expedited hearing.
The managing partner of a Brisbane-based law firm has failed to shut down a bid for compensation brought in disciplinary proceedings filed by the Legal Services Commissioner, which is seeking damages identical to those sought in a separate negligence case by a client.
The Full Federal Court has upheld an appeal by In-N-Out Burgers against Sydney-based Hashtag Burgers, finding that its two sole directors were also liable for trademark infringement and passing off in owning and operating their ‘DOWN-N-OUT’ burger restaurants.
A former University of Sydney lecturer has appealed a ruling dismissing the lawsuit he brought against the university after he was fired for a seminar slide that imposed the Nazi swastika on the Israeli flag and which was later posed on social media.
Three unions representing Qantas workers have asked the High Court for special leave to appeal a ruling from the Full Federal Court siding with the airline in a dispute over the operation of the JobKeeper wage subsidy.
Payouts in class actions in 2020 largely kept pace with the previous year despite the financial strain of the COVID-19 pandemic, with companies and other defendants paying more than $696 million to settle class actions last year.
A Brisbane-based law firm is being sued by a paralegal who claims she was forced to take a 20 per cent pay cut during the COVID-19 pandemic on the basis of misleading statements by the firm’s director.
The Australian Federal Police have arrested a second former high ranking executive associated with Leighton Holdings as part of an ongoing investigation into alleged foreign bribery.
The law firm that led an unfunded class action against the Federal government over the controversial Robodebt scheme will ask the court to approve up to $16 million in legal costs when it seeks approval for the $112 million settlement reached in the class action last year.