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Law firm ‘took advantage’ of privileged position in filing Treasury Wines class action, court told
Class Actions 2020-11-27 7:51 pm By Miklos Bolza

Treasury Wine Estates has accused plaintiffs law firm Maurice Blackburn and barrister Guy Donnellan of “taking advantage” of their privileged position by using evidence discovered in a settled class action to file a second case against the wine maker.

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Judge postpones signing off on GetSwift move to Canada until FIRB approval
Corporate 2020-11-27 7:49 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A judge has indicated she will approve GetSwift’s plans to relocate to Canada, despite concerns raised by ASIC, but will wait until the company has received approval from the Foreign Investment Review Board.

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Rio Tinto execs’ trial vacated given likelihood of COVID-19 vaccine
COVID-19 2020-11-27 6:58 pm By Spencer Fowler Steen

A judge has vacated a seven-week trial in proceedings brought by ASIC against two former Rio Tinto executives to March or April 2022, after they requested a “lengthy delay” to ensure a COVID-19 vaccine would be available before they travel to Australia for trial.

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Court hears case of missing Sydney businesswoman Melissa Caddick now murder investigation
Financial Services 2020-11-27 2:38 pm By Spencer Fowler Steen

The brother of missing Sydney woman Melissa Caddick is helping police with an investigation into her murder, a court overseeing ASIC’s action against the businesswoman was told Friday.

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‘I’ve never seen such nonsense in an affidavit’: Judge flays lawyers in S&P class action
Class Actions 2020-11-27 1:09 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A judge has lashed out at the legal team behind a class action against S&P over allegedly misleading credit ratings for filing hearsay evidence in support of an application to serve the ratings giant overseas, saying that “nobody who is a first year law student” would say the evidence was admissible.

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University of Sydney defeats lawsuit by lecturer sacked over swastika
Employment 2020-11-27 11:51 am By Cat Fredenburgh

The Federal Court has thrown out a lawsuit brought against the University of Sydney by a former political economy lecturer who was fired for a seminar slide that imposed the Nazi swastika on the Israeli flag.

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GetSwift not ‘fleeing the jurisdiction’ with Canada relocation bid, court told
Corporate 2020-11-26 6:58 pm By Miklos Bolza

Logistics software company GetSwift has tried to assure the Federal Court that an attempt to relocate to Canada is not for the purpose of avoiding pecuniary penalties and damages in civil proceedings brought by ASIC and a $50 million shareholder class action.

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Victoria, Queensland join $500M combustible cladding class actions
Class Actions 2020-11-26 4:56 pm By Miklos Bolza

The states of Victoria and Queensland have joined two class actions over allegedly combustible cladding as group members, with the claims in the proceedings now exceeding $500 million.

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High Court to hear challenge to landmark ruling on casual workers’ rights
High Court 2020-11-26 1:39 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The High Court has granted special leave to labour hire company WorkPac to challenge a Full Court judgment that granted entitlements to casual workers with regular shifts.

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Doctors can’t ‘rewrite history’ as judge puts deep sleep therapy defamation case to bed
Defamation 2020-11-26 1:39 pm By Miklos Bolza

Two psychiatrists at the heart of the Chelmsford deep sleep therapy scandal have had their defamation cases against publisher HarperCollins dismissed ,with a judge finding the lawsuits were an attempt to “rewrite history” regarding harm done to patients receiving their controversial treatment.

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