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‘Abysmal arrogance’: Lawyer hit with $300,000 damages bill after neighbourhood dispute
Defamation 2020-07-14 7:45 pm By Alison Eveleigh

A judge has slammed a lawyer for her “abysmal arrogance and sense of privilege”, ordering her to pay $300,000 to her Balmain neighbour after a long-running property dispute culminated in a defamatory interview that was broadcast to over one million TV viewers on A Current Affair.

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Seqwater appeals 50 percent damages ruling in Queensland floods class action
Appeals 2020-07-14 7:42 pm By Christine Caulfield

Dam operator Seqwater is challenging a decision that put it on the hook for 50 per cent of any damages payouts to thousands of members of a long-running class action over the 2011 floods that destroyed 2,000 Queensland homes.

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Aristocrat overdid it with expert evidence in patent case, court says
Intellectual Property 2020-07-13 9:29 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A judge has trimmed the costs the Commissioner of Patents owes Aristocrat Technologies after the gaming giant successfully appealed a ruling rejecting four of its gaming patents, saying Aristocrat had “over-egged the pudding” by submitting evidence from three experts on the patentability of its inventions.

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Judge warns ‘real persuasion’ needed to expand GetSwift class action 2 months from trial
Class Actions 2020-07-13 9:00 pm By Alison Eveleigh

A judge has warned counsel leading a shareholder class action against logistics provider GetSwift that “real persuasion” would be needed to convince him to allow the class to expand its case two months out from trial.

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Judge slashes security request in $46M Quintis insurance dispute
Class Actions 2020-07-13 8:30 pm By Alison Eveleigh

A judge has cut a request a security for costs in half in insurance rectification proceedings stemming from two class against sandalwood producer Quintis, saying the amount proposed by the funders bankrolling the case was “quite generous”.

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With trial delayed a year, 7-Eleven class actions to pay another $3M in security for costs
Franchises 2020-07-13 8:00 pm By Alison Eveleigh

A judge has ordered two class actions brought against 7-Eleven on behalf of franchisees to pay $3 million in security for costs as trial in the cases gets pushed to August next year.

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Judge ‘regrettably’ postpones Boral class action beauty parade in light of High Court challenge
Class Actions 2020-07-10 10:27 pm By Miklos Bolza

A judge has pushed off a heated contest between law firms vying to lead a shareholder class action against construction giant Boral for what could be a year as a landmark High Court challenge plays out.

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Lawyer stood down after court slams ‘disturbing’ conduct in Malaysia Airlines class action
Class Actions 2020-07-10 9:29 pm By Alison Eveleigh

The law firm slammed by the Full Federal Court this week for its conduct in the Malaysia Airlines class action has apologised to the family unknowingly shut out of the class action, and has stood down the lead lawyer in the case.

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Funder’s average rate of return a factor in approving class action commission, judge says
Class Actions 2020-07-10 8:50 pm By Christine Caulfield

A litigation funder’s average rate of return on its investment in shareholder class actions was one of a number of factors weighed by a judge in approving a 25 per cent funding cut from the $42 million settlement in a class action against dairy cooperative Murray Goulburn.

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Westpac’s call for update on class action funding shot down by judge
Financial Services 2020-07-10 5:13 pm By Miklos Bolza

A judge on Friday dismissed Westpac’s bid for an update from litigation funder JustKapital as to whether it continues to financially back a class action against the bank over allegedly excessive insurance premiums.

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