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Law firm wins reversal of $16M judgment in client’s breach of duty case
Appeals 2024-09-30 12:47 pm By Cindy Cameronne

An appeals court has overturned a $16 million judgment against a law firm, finding it did not breach its duties when acting for a lender that provided financing to a client.

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McDonald’s rest breaks class action ‘gone backwards’, court told
Employment 2024-09-30 2:02 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A class action against McDonald’s alleging workers were not given mandatory rest breaks has “gone backwards” after the fast food giant withdrew previously agreed facts, a court has heard. 

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KFC tries to avoid ‘hypothetical’ class action trial over rest breaks
Class Actions 2024-09-30 2:50 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Fast food giant KFC has argued an initial trial in an underpayments class action could result in an “entirely hypothetical” finding unless it also deals with the claims of several sample group members. 

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S&P class action judge to hear fight over evidence of fraud
Class Actions 2024-09-30 11:30 pm By Andy Sidler

A class action over S&P’s rosy ratings on risky financial products faces a preliminary fight over the relevance of expert evidence that seeks to prove fraud on the part of the ratings agency.

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Merivale reaches new class action settlement after first deal scrapped
Class Actions 2024-09-26 2:24 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Hospitality giant Merivale has reached a revised settlement in an employment class action, five months after the lead applicant’s unusual move to renege on an earlier deal.

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Judge questions Dentons’ claim of ignorance of alleged search for dirt
Employment 2024-09-26 12:50 pm By Christine Caulfield

A judge on Thursday queried counsel for Dentons on the law firm’s defence to claims by an ex-partner that Australian chair and CEO Doug Stipanicev initiated a search for evidence of misconduct.

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EnergyAustralia hit with $14M penalty for misleading consumers about prices
Competition & Consumer Protection 2024-09-26 11:13 pm By Andy Sidler

In a first, EnergyAustralia has been ordered to pay $14 million for breaching the Electricity Retail Code by misleading customers about prices.

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Class action over $85M Clydesdale development loses injunction bid
Class Actions 2024-09-26 11:36 pm By Sam Matthews

A class action by frustrated buyers over the $85 million sale of a Sydney development has failed to prevent the sale of lots, with a judge finding the class action’s claims lack evidence.

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Biotech files new patent suit against Samsung Bioepis over Crohn’s drug
Intellectual Property 2024-09-26 11:55 pm By Sam Matthews

Samsung Bioepis can’t get indemnity costs from Janssen Biotech after it surrendered patents for Crohn’s disease drug Stelara and filed a fresh case based on new patents for the drug. 

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Full Court confirms FOI requests survive ministry reshuffles
Politics 2024-09-26 11:26 pm By Andy Sidler

Former senator Rex Patrick has defeated the Attorney General’s appeal of a ruling which clarified that a loophole cannot be used to avoid Freedom of Information requests when a minister leaves office. 

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