Responding to a judge’s criticism that he had been “fobbed off” about how many PFAS class actions it expected to file, Shine Lawyers has said it has no current plans to bring more cases against the Department of Defence over the toxic foam.
Maurice Blackburn’s shareholder class action against AMP should be put on ice until the High Court decides whether a ruling in last year’s beauty parade awarding the firm carriage of the matter was decided in error, a court has heard.
The identity of a Big Six partner to whom a former AMP lawyer allegedly criticised her superior has been revealed in court during a heated exchange between the barristers in the unfair dismissal proceeding.
ISignthis has come up short in its courtroom bid to block publication of the Australian Stock Exchange’s “damaging” reasons for suspending its shares.
A property developer facing a class action over a residential complex in Canberra has asked a court to reopen a hearing that resulted in a finding that it misled the lead applicant about the GST payable on her unit and awarded her $23,400 in compensation.
The Queensland government is seeking court orders that put dam operators Seqwater and Sunwater on the hook for the vast majority of damages after a class action judgment found negligence in the lead up to the state’s 2011 floods that destroyed 2,000 homes.
The COVID-19 pandemic and government social distancing restrictions were reasons to be flexible in applying and adapting the law, the judge overseeing the administration of Virgin Australia has said in exempting administrators from liability for unpaid leases and allowing Thursday’s meeting of the airlines’ creditors to be held by teleconference.
A date has been set in Domino’s bid to strike out parts of the statement of claim in a class action alleging franchisees underpaid thousands of workers across Australia for five years.
A law firm with a global footprint is facing a possible breach of trust lawsuit in relation to $27 million it held as security for costs in an international arbitration.
A court has dismissed a claim by the Australian Government for $325 million against pharmaceutical companies Sanofi and Bristol-Myers Squibb allegedly owed for excess subsidies it paid for blood-thinner Plavix as a result of an interlocutory injunction blocking a generic version of the blockbuster drug.