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Western Union manager could not have known no-show employee had mental illness, Full Court says
Employment 2019-10-24 5:21 pm By Miklos Bolza

International money transfer giant Western Union has successfully appealed a $160,000 judgment in an employment discrimination case, with the Full Federal Court finding the firm’s HR manager could not have known the employee, who was absent from work for seven months prior to the dismissal, actually suffered from a mental disability.

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‘Hostile, aggressive’: Former AMP general counsel alleges bullying in $2.7M lawsuit
Employment 2019-10-24 3:34 pm By Miklos Bolza

A former AMP general counsel responsible for preparing the financial giant for the banking royal commission has launched a $2.7 million lawsuit alleging “hostile, aggressive and intimidating behaviour” by superiors in response to formal complaints she made about the company’s fees for no services practices.

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Judge rules Myer misled shareholders, backs market-based causation
Class Actions 2019-10-24 2:39 pm By Christine Caulfield

A judge has ruled that department store Myer engaged in misleading or deceptive conduct and breached its continuous disclosure obligations when it failed to correct its “inflated” 2015 net profit forecasts, but said shareholders may not have suffered any loss flowing from the breaches, in a monumental decision that also found investors do not always need to prove direct reliance on misrepresentations in claiming damages in class actions.

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Quintis founder wins unredacted transcripts of ASIC chats with directors
White Collar 2019-10-23 9:15 pm By Miklos Bolza

Quintis founder Frank Wilson has won his bid for unredacted transcripts of ASIC examinations with six former directors of the failed sandalwood company.

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High Court to hear Securency appeal after $65M ‘shabby fraud’ award slashed
Article 2019-10-23 4:43 pm By Miklos Bolza

The High Court has granted a Nigerian agent tricked into terminating his contract with international bank note manufacturer CCL Secure special leave to appeal a Full Federal Court judgment slashing a $65 million award in his favour.

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Toyota points finger at drivers in diesel filter class action
Class Actions 2019-10-23 3:42 pm By Miklos Bolza

Responding to a class action on behalf of over 250,000 car owners, auto giant Toyota has admitted issues with filters in three of its diesel vehicle models but says drivers who failed to respond to warning lights in their cars could not clam damages for any breaches of quality guarantees.

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Bean there, done that: Lavazza says it used ‘oro’ trade mark before Vittoria
Intellectual Property 2019-10-22 11:14 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Italian coffee manufacturer Lavazza has hit back against an infringement case brought by Australian rival Vittoria over two Oro trade marks, saying Vittoria’s rights over the marks should be revoked and claiming four decades of prior continuous use of its own unregistered mark.

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Stage set for battle over court’s power to vary class action funding agreements
Analysis 2019-10-22 11:06 pm By Christine Caulfield

A judge’s decision refusing to approve a $42 million settlement in a shareholder class action against Murray Goulburn because of a “too high” funder’s commission has set the stage for a showdown over the power of courts to alter funding agreements, a battle potentially more consequential than the fight over common fund orders now before the High Court.

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IOOF unit wins stay of $76M judgment as it mulls appeal of case against Sparke Helmore
Restructuring & Insolvency 2019-10-22 11:00 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A judge has briefly stayed his $76.6 million judgment against IOOF subsidiary Australian Executor Trustees over the sale of a timber plantation by the collapsed Gunns Group as AET weighs an appeal of the ruling, which dismissed its cross-claim against law firm Sparke Helmore.

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Firefighters agreement doesn’t discriminate against women, FWC says
Employment 2019-10-22 9:15 pm By Miklos Bolza

The Federal Government has lost a challenge raising discrimination concerns around a Fair Work Commission-approved enterprise agreement covering metropolitan firefighters in Victoria, with an FWC review panel finding its appeal lacked merit.

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