The heirs of iron ore magnate Peter Wright have won a bid to haul their brother Julian to court to question him about the identity of the funder who backed his unsuccessful case against them in a dispute over their father’s estate.
The High Court has overturned a controversial decision that put a judge on the hook for a man’s false imprisonment, finding that all judges are immune from civil suits for acts done in the performance of their judicial duties.
A second law firm has lodged class actions against Coles and Woolworths on the back of the consumer regulator’s claims that the supermarket giants’ discount campaigns were misleading.
A class action against BHP can include in the group member definition investors who bought shares on secondary platforms, but the change can’t apply retroactively.
Former NAB superannuation fund trustee NULIS is seeking the first ever award of indemnity costs in a class action that flopped following the rejection of a settlement offer.
A trans woman who won her discrimination case against the Giggle for Girls app and its CEO Sal Grover has launched a cross-appeal against the landmark decision.
Lendlease has abandoned its bid to purchase a parcel of land owned by one of Australia’s oldest families for well below market value as part of its project to develop 6,700 homes in Campbelltown, Sydney.
A class action against Exactech over allegedly faulty joint implants has been stayed pending its US-based parent company’s bankruptcy proceedings.
A judge has rejected HSU secretary Diana Asmar’s argument that a case against her over an alleged $2.7 million false invoicing scheme should be stayed because criminal charges were “on the cards”.
A former Star executive agreed to renew the casino’s relationship with a junket with organised crime links despite Star Sydney’s GC warning of suspicious transactions, a court has heard.