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Law firm hit with indemnity costs for opt out error in Toyota class action
Class Actions 2020-08-11 10:32 pm By Miklos Bolza

An error in an opt out notice sent to motorists eligible to sign up for a class action over allegedly defective diesel filters in Toyota vehicles has left a class action law firm on the hook for indemnity costs to cover a new notice to group members.

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‘I never liked common fund orders anyway’: Judge gives thumbs up to High Court ruling
Class Actions 2020-02-28 12:53 pm By Miklos Bolza

A  judge overseeing a shareholder class action against collapsed engineering group RCR Tomlinson has said goodbye to the common fund order in the case while welcoming last year’s High Court decision preventing these orders from being made at the early stage in class actions.

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Toyota points finger at drivers in diesel filter class action
Class Actions 2019-10-23 3:42 pm By Miklos Bolza

Responding to a class action on behalf of over 250,000 car owners, auto giant Toyota has admitted issues with filters in three of its diesel vehicle models but says drivers who failed to respond to warning lights in their cars could not clam damages for any breaches of quality guarantees.

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Court of Appeal tosses Quinn Emanuel challenge to AMP beauty parade loss
Appeals 2019-10-08 4:38 pm By Miklos Bolza

A challenge by Quinn Emanuel to a NSW Supreme Court decision staying its shareholder class action against AMP has been unanimously dismissed by the Court of Appeal, which found the class action beauty contest was not decided in error and that subsequently filed representative proceedings were not an abuse of process.

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ACCC loses appeal in cartel case over coal mining licences
Appeals 2019-09-04 3:46 pm By Miklos Bolza

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has failed in its challenge to a ruling that dismissed its bid-rigging case over mining exploration licences involving Cascade Coal and the sons of jailed Labor politician Eddie Obeid.

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Court’s ‘auction’ approach in GetSwift slammed in bid to revive AMP class action
Appeals 2019-08-26 9:44 pm By Miklos Bolza

The barrister leading an appeal seeking to revive Quinn Emanuel’s fees for no service class action against AMP has criticised the approach taken in the landmark GetSwift ruling on competing class actions, saying it placed the court in the role of auctioneer and actually encouraged duplicative proceedings.

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