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Toyota parent co holds ‘crucial’ info for emissions cheat class action, court told
Class Actions 2025-03-13 1:32 pm By Andy Sidler

A class action against Toyota can serve the car maker’s Japanese parent company, in hopes of obtaining technical information about devices it claims were installed in vehicles to cheat emissions tests.

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HSBC may face new claim in ASIC case alleging lax scam prevention
Financial Services 2025-02-07 3:15 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

British banking giant HSBC could face a new claim in ASIC proceedings alleging it failed to adequately protect customers from scams, a court has heard.

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In class action defence, Toyota says ‘defeat device’ used to protect engines
Competition & Consumer Protection 2024-12-03 11:47 pm By Andy Sidler

Toyota has denied a class action’s claims that devices installed in its vehicles were intended to cheat emissions tests, maintaining that they were designed to protect engines from damage.

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ANZ loses appeal in ASIC case over $2.5B share placement
Appeals 2024-10-02 4:44 pm By Sam Matthews

ANZ has lost its appeal of a landmark decision finding it breached continuous disclosure rules by failing to disclose a $750 million bailout by underwriters during a $2.5 billion capital raising.

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REST’s reliance on law firms’ advice a winning defence in ASIC case
Financial Services 2024-09-18 11:22 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge has tossed ASIC’s case against REST over alleged misleading representations, finding the representations were statements of opinion reasonably held based on the advice of lawyers.

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Toyota class action loses bid for emissions cheat source code
Class Actions 2024-05-24 10:59 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A class action against Toyota alleging it installed diesel defeat devices in several models of its vehicles has lost a bid to access source code for the cars’ emissions control systems, with a judge finding it was not relevant to any current fact in issue. 

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ANZ says bailout by underwriters of $2.5B share placement not relevant to ASX
Securities 2024-05-23 11:41 pm By Sam Matthews

Challenging a ruling that it breached its continuous disclosure obligations, ANZ has argued on appeal that it did not need to inform the ASX of a bailout by the underwriters of a 2015 institutional share placement because the information didn’t go to the fundamental value of its shares.

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ANZ appeals disclosure breach finding over $2.5B share placement
Financial Services 2023-12-14 4:58 pm By Christine Caulfield

ANZ will appeal a ruling that it breached its continuous disclosure obligations when it failed to inform the ASX of a bailout by the underwriters of a 2015 institutional share placement.

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ANZ hit with $900,000 penalty for share placement disclosure failures
Securities 2023-12-08 3:38 pm By Christine Caulfield

ANZ’s failure to disclose a bailout by banks underwriting a $2.5 billion share placement has resulted in a penalty of less than $1 million, ending an eight-year saga that included an aborted criminal trial.

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New crop of Victorian silks appointed by top judge
Business of Law 2023-10-18 6:22 pm By Sam Matthews

Several class action counsel and an IP expert are among twenty-five new silks appointed in Victoria.

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