Class actions against Hyundai and Kia over alleged defective anti-lock braking systems could expand “dramatically”, a court has heard, as a contest over competing cases ticks over into a second year.
A judge has accepted Mitsubishi’s argument that an investigation into the fuel consumption of its Triton cars is protected by litigation privilege and should not be handed over to a class action.
A judge has questioned the need for solicitors in a class action against Jaguar to be involved in discovery of internal investigations by the car maker when a technical referee is to be appointed.
A key issue in the ACCC’s price-fixing case against Downer EDI’s Spotless and Ventia is likely to focus on whether the facilities services companies were in competition, a court has heard.
A second law firm has lodged class actions against Coles and Woolworths on the back of the consumer regulator’s claims that the supermarket giants’ discount campaigns were misleading.
Mitsubishi says an investigation into the fuel consumption of its Triton cars is protected by litigation privilege and should not be handed over to a class action.
Commercial property firm DTZ Worldwide has lost its bid for $243 million in damages related to its acquisition of United Group from UGL Limited over United’s alleged failure to disclose that a key contract was “loss-making”.
A court has foreshadowed a fight between two competing class actions against Google over alleged abuse of market dominance in digital advertising.
Toyota’s offer to fix customers’ diesel filters has drawn criticism from a class action, which alleges it misled group members into believing a fix would have no bearing on damages they could be owed.
Two law firms that were set to run competing class actions against Coles and Woolworths over alleged illusory discounts have reached an in-principle agreement to collaborate.