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Shane Tuck’s wife to drop concussion class action against AFL
Class Actions 2023-09-26 11:36 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The law firm representing the wife of the late AFL player Shane Tuck in a class against the Australian Football League on behalf of players who allegedly suffered brain injuries is seeking court approval to discontinue the case for lack of litigation funding.

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Despite conflicts, ASIC loses fight over insolvency partners’ remuneration
Restructuring & Insolvency 2023-09-01 11:04 pm By Christine Caulfield

Two former Ferrier Hodgson partners had conflicts of interest when they accepted appointments as administrators of a failed pig farm operation, an appeals court has found, but their remuneration won’t take a hit as a result.

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Judge warns against blanket confidentiality claims in settlement approval applications
Class Actions 2023-08-08 1:41 pm By Sam Matthews

The judge asked to approve a settlement in a class action against retirement village provider Aveo has sent a shot across the bow to law firms seeking to make broad confidentiality claims over the settlement, saying such claims should be kept “to a minimum” in class actions.

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Judge approves $450M penalty against Crown in AUSTRAC case
Gaming 2023-07-11 4:51 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge has approved a $450 million penalty put forward by Crown Resorts and AUSTRAC despite reservations about evidence going to the casino operator’s financial position.

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AUSTRAC’s history of agreed penalties could create a moral hazard, judge says
AUSTRAC 2023-07-11 4:02 pm By Sam Matthews

The judge asked to approve a proposed $450 million penalty in AUSTRAC’s case against Crown Resorts has questioned whether the practice of regulators settling enforcement action ahead of trial gave rise to a “moral hazard” problem.

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Judge slams AUSTRAC’s ‘misleading’ $450M penalty deal with Crown
Gaming 2023-07-10 10:02 pm By Sam Matthews

A proposed interest-free payment plan for a $450 million penalty agreed to between Crown Resorts and AUSTRAC has been questioned by a judge, who said it would have “the Commonwealth of Australia act as the Crown’s banker” for two years.

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Law firms to compete to run concussion class action against AFL
Personal injury 2023-06-14 4:20 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge overseeing five lawsuits seeking compensation on behalf of AFL players who allegedly suffered brain injuries has set the stage for a class action beauty parade, as one law firm flags a possible sixth action.

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‘It’s a disaster’: Judge questions $11M settlement in Aveo class action
Class Actions 2023-06-08 12:04 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge has questioned an $11 million settlement in a class action against retirement village provider Aveo, resolving to appoint a contradictor and a costs referee amid a dispute between the plaintiff law firm and its litigation funder, which the court heard has “grave concerns” about the costs incurred in the case.

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Crown to pay $450M to settle AUSTRAC case
Gaming 2023-05-30 12:59 pm By Christine Caulfield

Crown Resorts has reached agreement with AUSTRAC to pay a $450 million penalty for the casino operator’s serious breaches of the anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing laws.

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Healthcare REIT can’t add claims against Dexus in trust takeover spat
Real Estate 2023-05-23 5:45 pm By Sam Matthews

Real estate investment trust NorthWest can amend its pleadings in a lawsuit alleging one of the country’s largest unlisted healthcare property funds conspired to prevent it from acquiring a controlling stake, but has come up short in its bid to add to its claims against property giant Dexus.

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