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Aveo class action members facing novel funding order protected by court, judge says
Class Actions 2022-09-13 12:31 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has approved an opt-out notice in a class action against retirement home provider Aveo Group that advises of a proposed application for a controversial funding order that would put a lien on some group members homes.

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‘If they were my clients I’d advise them to opt out’, barrister tells Aveo class action judge
Class Actions 2022-08-09 11:06 pm By Sam Matthews

The first ever amicus appointed in a fight over the wording of an opt out notice in a class action has told a court a proposed novel funding model in a case against retirement home provider Aveo Group could be a “nightmare scenario” for certain group members.

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Judge approves Blackstone’s takeover of Crown Resorts
Corporate 2022-06-15 12:37 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge has given his approval to the takeover of Crown Resorts by US private equity group Blackstone.

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Aveo class action judge appoints first-ever amicus in fight over opt-out notice
Class Actions 2022-06-02 3:49 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge overseeing a class action against retirement home provider Aveo Group has appointed an amicus curiae for what is believed to be the first time to assist the court in a fight over the wording of an opt out notice describing a “novel” funding model. 

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Aveo slams ‘extraordinary’ and ‘unprecedented’ funding order in class action
Class Actions 2022-06-01 11:03 pm By Christine Caulfield

A foreshadowed application for a funding order in a class action that would put a lien on some group members’ homes was “entirely unprecedented and without jurisprudential basis”, retirement home provider Aveo Group has said.

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Aveo says class action opt out notice would ‘scare’ elderly people
Class Actions 2022-04-21 5:24 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Retirement home provider Aveo Group has opposed a proposed opt out notice that it says would “scare” elderly people by warning the funder that’s backing a class action against it may seek an “unprecedented” order against certain unfunded group members.

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Babcock & Brown shareholders lose bid for re-trial over judge’s ‘pernicious’ delay
High Court 2022-04-14 3:03 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The High Court has rejected a bid by shareholders of collapsed investment advisory firm Babcock & Brown for special leave to seek a re-trial of their cases alleging disclosure breaches because of the trial judge’s “excessive” three-year delay in delivering judgment.

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Nurofen maker Reckitt-Benckiser loses High Court appeal bid in Maxigesic feud
Competition & Consumer Protection 2022-04-07 1:54 pm By Christine Caulfield

The High Court has rejected a special leave application by consumer goods giant Reckitt-Benckiser in its long-running battle with the maker of painkiller Maxigesic.

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Hastie’s claim against Lendlease in $68M suit ‘untenable’, court hears
Restructuring & Insolvency 2022-03-16 10:36 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A bid by the liquidators of collapsed engineering company Hastie Group for Lendlease to pay back funds it withdrew under bank guarantees is “untenable” and “misconceived”, a court has heard in a $68 million case that also targets Multiplex, Grocon and John Holland.

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Wotif founder ordered to pay $15M in aquaculture share dispute
Corporate 2022-02-23 2:28 pm By Miklos Bolza

Philanthropist and Wotif founder Graeme Wood will have to pay more than $15 million after the Victoria Supreme Court found one of his companies had breached an agreement to act as guarantor for the $73 million sale of a Queensland aquaculture business.

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