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Noumi to foot Blue Diamond’s legal bill as part of $48M settlement
Food and Beverage 2022-02-22 10:31 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Noumi, formerly known as Freedom Foods, has agreed to pay $860,000 in Blue Diamond Growers’ costs as part of a $48 million settlement of a legal spat over a licensing deal to sell Almond Breeze milk, which the food maker unsuccessfully argued should be heard in Australia.

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IOOF unit fined $6M for financial adviser’s bad advice
Financial Services 2022-02-03 6:26 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A judge has hit IOOF unit RI Advice with a $6 million penalty for failing to rein in an adviser who reaped hefty commissions for steering clients towards risky investments, despite earlier expressing concerns the penalty may not have enough sting.

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Reckitt-Benckiser asks High Court to overturn decision on Maxigesic ads
High Court 2022-02-03 1:27 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Consumer goods giant Reckitt-Benckiser is seeking special leave from the High Court to challenge a Full Court judgment that overturned a finding that AFT Pharmaceuticals ads’ for its painkiller Maxigesic were misleading.

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Judge questions if ASIC’s proposed $6M penalty against IOOF unit has enough sting
Financial Services 2022-02-01 4:01 pm By Bianca Hrovat

A judge has raised concerns about a $6 million penalty proposed by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission against IOOF unit RI Advice for failing to rein in an adviser who reaped hefty commissions for steering clients towards risky investments.

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Judge criticises ASIC for treating orders in Westpac case like ‘traffic lights in Naples’
Financial Services 2021-12-20 1:48 pm By Bianca Hrovat

A judge has criticised the Australian Securities and Investments Commission for treating timetabling orders in its insider trading case against Westpac over a $16 billion interest rate swap as though they were “traffic lights in Naples”.

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Full Court throws out ‘mistaken’ judgment on AFT’s Maxigesic ads
Competition & Consumer Protection 2021-12-07 6:18 pm By Miklos Bolza

A judge was “mistaken” to find that AFT Pharmaceuticals’ ads for its painkiller Maxigesic were misleading, with the Full Federal Court ruling there was an adequate scientific foundation for the ads’ claims that the drug provided faster, better pain relief than paracetamol and ibuprofen alone.

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Judge approves $750,000 penalty against La Trobe Financial despite ‘considerable hesitation’
Financial Services 2021-11-29 11:57 am By Cat Fredenburgh

La Trobe Financial Asset Management will pay just $750,000 for misleading investors in its 48 hour and 90 day notice accounts over a period of more than three years, with a judge saying the company would have faced a penalty “well in excess” of this amount if not for reassuring correspondence from ASIC during its investigation.

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Tips from 10 prominent silks on nailing the first court appearance
Courts 2021-11-25 1:03 pm By Miklos Bolza

As the courts open up after 18 months of online hearings, junior barristers who were recently called to the bar may be apprehensive at the move to in-person appearances. Here, ten top silks share their wisdom with new barristers on how to be an effective advocate in court.

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Judge questions ASIC’s ‘very, very modest’ $750,000 penalty against La Trobe Financial
Financial Services 2021-11-15 1:59 pm By Bianca Hrovat

A judge has expressed hesitation about a $750,000 penalty proposed by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission in its misleading advertisement case against $5.15 billion credit fund La Trobe Financial Asset Management, calling the amount “very, very modest”.

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Shareholders fail to prove loss from Babcock & Brown disclosure breaches
Financial Services 2021-09-06 11:49 am By Christine Caulfield

Shareholders of the collapsed Babcock & Brown have failed in their challenge to a ruling tossing their cases for damages for disclosure breaches during the global financial crisis, with an appeals court finding the investors had not shown the breaches caused any loss.

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