Grain handling group Viterra has been denied a post-hearing bid to reopen a lawsuit brought by Cargill Australia over its $420 million acquisition of Joe White, with a judge finding the application would lead to “substantial disruption and delay”.
An appeals court has thrown out the Democratic Republic of East Timor’s second bid to stay a case brought against it by Lighthouse Corporation over $328 million in alleged losses stemming from a failed fuel supply contract.
A Melbourne-based law firm was negligent when it advised the owners of Barflys bar and cafe in Bourke Street to settle a case against its landlords for $341,500 because of changes to the law on retail leases, an appeals court has found.
Two petitioners challenging the election of Treasurer Josh Frydenberg and embattled Liberal MP Gladys Liu have subpoenaed the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and Sky News for interview footage in front of the Chinese language posters at the heart of the dispute.
A challenge against the election of federal Treasurer Josh Frydenberg and embattled Liberal MP Gladys Liu may be heard by a panel of three judges, Federal Court Chief Justice James Allsop said Tuesday, as the matter speeds towards a possible November hearing.
The Democratic Republic of East Timor has lost its bid to dismiss a lawsuit brought by oil and gas firm Lighthouse Corporation over $328 million in alleged losses stemming from a failed fuel supply agreement, with a judge finding the court has jurisdiction to hear the case after an ICSID panel declined to arbitrate the dispute.