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SARB wins stay in patent dispute over Melbourne’s parking system
Intellectual Property 2023-10-18 3:46 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Tech company SARB has won a stay of orders barring it from selling its sensor-based system which the city of Melbourne uses for timing parked vehicles, after a judge found it infringed rival Vehicle Management Systems’ patent.

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Parking detection patents infringed by SARB’s Pinforce sensors, judge finds
Intellectual Property 2023-06-26 12:08 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Tech company Vehicle Management Systems has won a long-running patent infringement dispute with rival SARB over a sensor-based system the City of Melbourne uses for timing parked vehicles. 

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High Court clarifies test for implied terms, says CoreLogic did not infringe photographer’s copyright
Intellectual Property 2022-12-14 5:56 pm By Sam Matthews

The High Court has found that property data analytics firm CoreLogic did not infringe a real estate photographer’s copyright by uploading images from to its platform, overturning a decision of the Full Federal Court.

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Neurim’s patent for mini melatonin put to sleep
Intellectual Property 2022-12-05 10:50 pm By Sam Matthews

Israeli drug company Neurim Pharmaceuticals has lost a bid to patent a mini version of its melatonin tablet Circadin for children, after a successful challenge by Australian drug maker Generic Partners.

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Microsoft comes up short in IP retrial after ‘regrettable’ $2.8M judgment
Intellectual Property 2022-10-05 6:30 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge has dismissed the majority of Microsoft’s six-year-old intellectual property suit against a Melbourne computer retailer over its Windows 7 software, which previously netted the Silicon Valley giant a $2.8 million payout from Judge Sandy Street that was slammed as a “regrettable” judicial failure.

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Redbubble files appeal in long-running Hells Angels trade mark stoush
Appeals 2022-08-19 11:59 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Redbubble is challenging a judgment that found T-shirts and face masks sold on its platform violated Hells Angels’ trademarks and awarded damages to the motorcycle group.

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Redbubble found liable again for infringing Hells Angels trade marks
Intellectual Property 2022-07-19 11:08 pm By Christine Caulfield

T-shirts and face masks sold on Redbubble violate Hells Angels’ trademarks, a judge has found, banning the online marketplace from further sales of infringing products and awarding damages to the motorcycle group.

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High Court to hear CoreLogic appeal over copyright for real estate pics
Intellectual Property 2022-04-20 11:31 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The High Court has agreed to weigh in on whether property data analytics firm CoreLogic infringed a real estate photographer’s copyright by uploading images from to its platform.

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Fitness chain F45 tries to revive patents for computerised workout system
Intellectual Property 2022-03-16 5:29 pm By Sam Matthews

National fitness chain F45 has appealed a court decision revoking two of its patents for a computer-run trainer workout system, arguing its system constituted a technological innovation in the field of fitness studio franchising which rival Body Fit has profited from.

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Redbubble can’t dodge Hells Angels trade mark infringement claims
Intellectual Property 2022-03-08 6:24 pm By Miklos Bolza

Online marketplace Redbubble cannot rely on the terms of a settlement with the US chapter of Hells Angels to avoid trade mark infringement claims by the Australian arm of the bikie gang, a court  has ruled.

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