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GSK narrowly defeats ACCC’s case over revised Osteo Gel packaging
Competition & Consumer Protection 2019-05-17 11:44 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

GlaxoSmithKline has defeated claims by the ACCC that revised packaging for its now-discontinued pain killer Osteo Gel misled consumers. The drug maker will face penalties for earlier violations it admitted to, but the court hinted the damages will be nowhere near the $6 million competitor Reckitt Benckiser faced in a similar case.

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SARB seeks to park vehicle detector patent case, says dispute settled 5 years ago
Intellectual Property 2019-05-16 8:25 pm By Miklos Bolza

Melbourne-based civic compliance firm SARB Management Group wants to put the brakes on a case brought by tech company Vehicle Monitoring Systems over a patented method for detecting vehicles, in a dispute it says was finalised in a settlement reached almost five years ago.

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Judge slams Copyright Agency’s $32.5M interim request from universities as ‘absurd’ and ‘unfair’
Intellectual Property 2019-05-09 2:59 pm By Amelia Birnie

A group of 39 of Australia’s largest universities has managed to avoid paying its full $32.5 million annual fee to Copyright Agency Ltd, while a dispute over the terms of a licence remains unresolved.

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Hells Angels loses IP lawsuit against Redbubble
Intellectual Property 2019-03-18 10:21 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The Australian chapter of biker group the Hells Angels has mostly come up short in its wide-ranging intellectual property lawsuit against online marketplace Redbubble. But the judge that heard the case may have opened the door for more IP lawsuits against the print-on-demand site by shooting down its claims that its not a seller but merely a platform for artists and consumers to engage.

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Unilever appeals loss over Nivea deodorant claims
Appeals 2019-02-26 11:03 am By Cat Fredenburgh

Unilever is not ready to put its long-running consumer case against competitor Beiersdorf to rest, filing a challenge to a ruling that Beiersdorf did not make misleading claims about its Nivea clinical strength deodorant products.

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Judge lifts injunction won by State Street against Maurice Blackburn’s Fearless Girl
Intellectual Property 2019-02-21 9:53 pm By Christine Caulfield

Maurice Blackburn has persuaded a judge to lift a temporary injunction that blocked the law firm from going ahead with plans to unveil a replica of the iconic New York statue, Fearless Girl, at Melbourne’s Federation Square for International Women’s Day.

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Parts used in Holden upgrades don’t infringe GM’s designs, court says
Intellectual Property 2019-02-14 11:31 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

GM Holden has lost most of its case for design infringement against a company that imported and distributed spare car parts used to “up-spec” lower range Holden models, in the court’s first test of the Designs Act’s repair defence.

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Unilever’s case over Nivea deodorant stinks, judge finds
Competition & Consumer Protection 2019-01-04 12:08 am By Cat Fredenburgh

Unilever’s allegations that consumer goods competitor Beiersdorf made misleading claims about its Nivea clinical strength deodorant products don’t pass the smell test, a judge has found.

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Reckitt wants answers from AFT about Maxigesic ads
Competition & Consumer Protection 2018-11-22 8:22 pm By Miklos Bolza

Consumer goods giant Reckitt Benckiser is seeking more information after advertisements for rival AFT Pharmaceuticals’ Maxigesic painkiller were found in-store and online despite the court ordering the removal of the misleading displays earlier this month.

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Foxtel should pay more than a gym to stream copyrighted recordings, court told
Intellectual Property 2018-08-15 10:06 pm By Miklos Bolza

A Copyright Tribunal decision that led to substantially lower sound recording licence fees for Foxtel was “beyond the pale” because it compared fees charged to the cable TV giant with those charged to fitness centres, the Full Federal Court heard Wednesday.

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