The founders of carbon credit provider GreenCollar are set to face trial in a case by a company seeking to claw back profits from a business opportunity it says was diverted to other entities in breach of fiduciary duties.
The developers of a Brunswick Heads housing estate have the OK to raise a new defence to injunctions sought by an environmental group.
Class action settlements leaped in value last year, with three settlements topping the $200 million mark.
Real estate company Flemington Properties has won $5 million from Ausgrid in a commercial rent dispute, with a judge finding the state corporation was effectively asking the court to rewrite the parties’ agreement.
Years of hard fought litigation by axed Qantas ground crew and generic drug maker Sandoz ended in victory this week, thanks to legal eagles from Maurice Blackburn and Ashurst and their counsel. The week opened with a bang with a decision from Federal Court Justice Michael Lee in three landmark test cases by the Transport…
Two firms representing some Rio Tinto shareholders have lost their bid to intervene in Energy Resources’ fight to renew its lease for the Jabiluka uranium mine in the Northern Territory.
A judge is concerned to manage prejudice to Clarence Property amid a barrage of evidence filed by an environmental group in its challenge to a Brunswick Heads development.
A judge has signed off on a $230 million settlement of a class action on behalf of thousands of junior doctors who allege they were systemically underpaid by the NSW government.
A court has granted Rio Tinto unit Energy Resources Australia an interim stay to allow it to contest the government’s decision not to renew its lease for the Jabiluka uranium mine in the Northern Territory.
Sky News has taken its fight with Isentia to the Full Federal Court, after a judge found the the media monitor was not liable for copyright infringement despite the “wholesale copying” of content distributed to government clients.