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JPMorgan disputed existence of cartel agreement with ANZ, court hears
Competition & Consumer Protection 2020-07-20 8:31 pm By Miklos Bolza

Despite receiving immunity in a criminal cartel case against ANZ and two other investment banks, JPMorgan has disputed the existence of any cartel agreement since the early days of the ACCC’s investigations, a court has heard.

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Coronavirus shuts down ACCC cross-examinations in landmark ANZ cartel case
Competition & Consumer Protection 2020-03-20 10:10 pm By Christine Caulfield

For the lawyers conducting the committal hearings in the criminal cartel case over ANZ’s $2.5 billion equity raising, the Sydney Downing Centre courtroom was already too close for comfort.

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ACCC cartel investigator admits ‘oversight’ in comfort letter to JPMorgan
Competition & Consumer Protection 2020-02-14 10:51 pm By Miklos Bolza

An ACCC officer who was heading up a team investigating alleged cartel conduct by ANZ Banking Group and three investment banks has admitted that the regulator may have made an ‘oversight’ in a letter of comfort offered to JPMorgan ahead of the bank’s immunity application in the case.

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ACCC officer denies anything ‘sinister’ in examination of ANZ cartel witness
Competition & Consumer Protection 2020-02-12 9:17 pm By Miklos Bolza

During another day of cross-examination in a criminal cartel case against ANZ and two investment banks, a key ACCC officer was accused of lying about his interrogation of a key cartel witness, with the officer insisting there was nothing “sinister” in his examination.

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‘You’re lying’: ANZ attacks ACCC witness on crucial cartel evidence
Financial Services 2020-02-11 10:06 pm By Miklos Bolza

An ACCC investigator has come under fire from ANZ as the bank seeks to shoot holes in the criminal cartel action against it, with counsel for the bank accusing the regulator of “infecting” witness statements and erasing testimony that weakened its case.

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ACCC investigator shoots down claims of impropriety in ANZ cartel case
Competition & Consumer Protection 2020-02-10 9:15 pm By Miklos Bolza

A key officer from the ACCC involved in interviewing JPMorgan bankers during a cartel investigation that led to criminal charges against ANZ and two investment banks has denied allegations that he acted improperly during the investigation.

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ANZ wins fight for ASIC docs in cartel case, but battle might not be over
Competition & Consumer Protection 2020-02-07 3:10 pm By Miklos Bolza

ANZ has won access to documents the bank claims are crucial to its defence in a high stakes criminal cartel case, but the Australian Securities and Investments Commission has flagged a possible appeal of the ruling.

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ANZ wants to know if ACCC pressured ASIC to drop JP Morgan case
Competition & Consumer Protection 2020-01-30 9:00 pm By Miklos Bolza

ANZ is seeking information on whether the ACCC put pressure on ASIC to not pursue proceedings against JP Morgan over a $2.5 billion share placement that is at the centre of a closely watched criminal cartel case, saying the matter raised a “serious question” about potential abuse of power by the regulators.

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Magistrate in ANZ cartel case shuts down ‘back door’ bid to expand JPMorgan witness grilling
Competition & Consumer Protection 2019-12-13 4:46 pm By Miklos Bolza

A magistrate has dismissed a bid to expand the cross examination of a JPMorgan witness in the closely watched criminal cartel case over a $2.5 billion ANZ share placement, calling it a “back door” attempt to bypass a prior court ruling.

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‘I’m getting awful close to ending my life’: Magistrate despairs as ANZ cartel hearing blows out
Competition & Consumer Protection 2019-12-12 7:49 pm By Miklos Bolza

A committal hearing in the ANZ cartel case may run a further nine days next year due to ongoing arguments about subpoenas and privilege, which have derailed five planned days of cross-examination of key witnesses and led a Local Court Magistrate to proclaim she was “awful close” to ending her life.

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