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Mercedes-Benz dealers lose ‘ambitious’ bid to view confidential head office docs
Competition & Consumer Protection 2022-04-12 9:21 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Australian Mercedes-Benz dealers behind a $650 million lawsuit over the car maker’s decision to move to a fixed-price agency model have lost a bid for an “ambitious number” of dealers to view “super confidential” documents from the company’s head office in Germany.

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Priceline class action discontinued after funder bows out
Class Actions 2022-04-08 9:38 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has approved a bid by group members to discontinue a class action alleging pharmacy giant Priceline exercised an “overly prescriptive level of control” on franchisees which limited their profitability, saying it was unlikely to succeed with a litigation funder.

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Settlement reached in class action against trustee of collapsed IPO Wealth
Financial Services 2022-04-07 6:50 pm By Christine Caulfield

The trustee of Mayfair Group’s collapsed IPO Wealth Fund has reached an in-principle settlement in a class action alleging it misled investors, who lost $86 million when the fund was wound up.

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Court to probe if 7-Eleven class action funder, law firm had deferred fee arrangement
Class Actions 2022-04-06 11:50 pm By Christine Caulfield

A marathon hearing of an application for court approval of a $98 million settlement in two 7-Eleven class actions has ended with a judge taking the rare step of signing off on the settlement amount while withholding approval of the legal costs and funding commission.

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$98M 7-Eleven class action settlement approved but costs, commission hang in the balance
Class Actions 2022-04-04 12:40 pm By Miklos Bolza

A judge has signed off on a $98 million settlement in two franchisee class actions against 7-Eleven, but has yet to reach a decision on $19.6 million in legal costs and a $25 million funding commission, which a court-appointed contradictor has urged him to reject.

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Slater & Gordon touts superior track record in battle to lead Beach Energy class action
Class Actions 2022-04-01 6:29 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Two heavyweight plaintiff firms battled it out Friday to run a shareholder class action against Beach Energy, with Shine Lawyers saying it should be rewarded for setting the price of the contingency fees sought in the case and Slater & Gordon arguing it has a better track record in class actions.

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7-Eleven class action lawyer accused of retaliation, deliberate late billing
Class Actions 2022-03-30 9:39 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A solicitor running two franchisee class actions against 7-Eleven “retaliated” against a group member who objected to a $98 million settlement and issued a late $6.5 million legal bill to benefit a litigation funder, a court has heard.

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Contradictor backs $98M class action settlement given 7-Eleven’s ‘significant’ risk of losing at trial
Class Actions 2022-03-29 10:20 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A $98 million settlement reached in two franchisee class actions against 7-Eleven is “appropriate” given the likelihood that the convenience store giant would have lost at trial, according to a contradictor who urged the court to reject a $25 million cut sought by the funder that backed the litigation.

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7-Eleven class action funder’s commission should be cut by $10M, court told
Class Actions 2022-03-28 7:20 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Litigation funder Galactic should receive a $15 million commission for its work on two franchisee class actions against convenience store giant 7-Eleven, instead of the $25 million it has asked for, a court has heard.

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‘Grave concerns’ raised by contradictor about 7-Eleven class action lawyer’s comments
Class Actions 2022-03-15 3:42 pm By Miklos Bolza

The contradictor appointed to represent group members in an application for approval of a $98 million settlement of two franchisee class actions against 7-Eleven has raised “grave concerns” about criticism by the senior partner of the law firm running the proceedings.

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