Victoria’s State Revenue Office must pay the bulk of costs incurred by shopping centre landlord Vicinity in a successful challenge to $82.5 million in stamp duty slapped on land occupied by Myer and Emporium in Melbourne’s city centre.
A judge has approved a $3 million settlement in a class action against Nine over its coverage of litigation related to the 2004 Palm Island riots.
A court has been asked to bless a “substantial” $3 million settlement in a class action against Nine over its coverage of litigation related to the 2004 Palm Island riots.
Nine will pay $3 million to settle a class action over its coverage of litigation related to the 2004 Palm Island riots, it has been revealed, after the class action failed to suppress the settlement sum.
The Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal has ruled that social media giant X must face a human rights complaint brought by a Muslim advocacy group over allegedly dehumanising material on the site.
A judge has rejected a bid to keep the settlement sum under wraps in a class action against Nine over its coverage of litigation related to the 2004 Palm Island riots, noting that a “ballpark” figure is already open to be deduced from the settlement deed.
Group members in a class action against Nine over its coverage of litigation related to the 2004 Palm Island riots will receive between $2,000 to $5,200 as part of a settlement reached to resolve the case.
The High Court has struck down a Victorian tax on electric cars, finding the state usurped powers held only by the federal government.
A judge who signed off on a settlement in a class action against the government by sovereign bondholders over the disclosure of climate risks said proving climate change posed a risk to government coffers may not be as difficult as the government has claimed.
A judge has approved the settlement of a class action brought on behalf of sovereign bondholders over the disclosure of climate change risks, despite a late scrap with the government over whether the deal puts a stop to future cases.