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‘Inconceivable’ Holding Redlich partner did not advise on illegal ALP donation: ICAC
Public Corruption 2022-02-28 11:09 pm By Cat Fredenburgh Melbourne

The NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption has found Holding Redlich managing partner Ian Robertson’s account of a meeting where he allegedly advised the former NSW Labor general secretary to cover up a $100,000 illegal political donation “inconceivable”, but declined to refer the lawyer for criminal charges or disciplinary action.

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Holding Redlich partner defends ‘good lawyer’ reputation at political donations inquiry
Legal Ethics 2019-09-18 9:17 pm By Amelia Birnie Sydney

Holding Redlich national managing partner Ian Robertson has defended his reputation as a “good lawyer” while being cross-examined at ICAC over cover-up advice he strenuously denies giving to NSW Labor over the now infamous Aldi bag containing $100,000 in cash donations.

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Holding Redlich lawyer tells ICAC he ‘would never advise a client’ to cover up illegal donations
White Collar 2019-09-09 9:06 pm By Amelia Birnie Sydney

Holding Redlich national managing partner Ian Robertson has “categorically denied” that he advised the NSW Labor general secretary to cover up a $100,000 illegal political donation, telling ICAC that he “would never advise a client to behave in that manner”.

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