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YouTuber Jordan Shanks tries to revive truth defence in Barilaro defamation case
Appeals 2021-08-30 11:14 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

YouTube star Jordan Shanks has appealed a judgment that gutted his truth defence to defamation claims by NSW Deputy Premier John Barilaro, finding parliamentary privilege protected the politician in the face of a truth defence to some allegations.

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YouTuber Jordan Shanks has defence scuttled in NSW Deputy Premier’s defamation case
Defamation 2021-08-13 4:13 pm By Miklos Bolza

YouTuber Jordan Shanks has been sent back to the drawing board with his defence in a defamation case brought by NSW Deputy Premier Jon Barilaro after the Federal Court found parliamentary privilege protected the politician in the face of a truth defence to some allegations.

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Plastic surgeon wins $450,000 in damages for ‘online tirade of criticism’
Defamation 2021-08-11 10:21 pm By Christine Caulfield

A plastic surgeon who was subjected to an “online tirade of criticism, negative reviews and abuse” by a former patient has won $450,000 in defamation damages.

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ABC journalist settles defamation case by Liberal MP Andrew Laming for $79,000
Defamation 2021-08-11 12:05 pm By Bianca Hrovat

ABC reporter Louise Milligan has agreed to pay $79,000 to settle a defamation case by Liberal party MP Andrew Laming over what he called spiteful and accusatory tweets, but the agreement does not include an admission of liability, a court heard on Wednesday.

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Sister of NBA star Ben Simmons won’t defend defamation case over sexual abuse tweets
Defamation 2021-08-03 2:25 pm By Bianca Hrovat

A judge has entered default judgment against the sister of NBA star Ben Simmons in a defamation case by her half-brother over tweets alleging he sexually molested her as a child, after the court heard she would not defend the proceedings.

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Complaints against Christian Porter’s lawyers filed with legal watchdog
Legal Ethics 2021-07-28 11:55 pm By Christine Caulfield

A friend of Christian Porter’s accuser has lodged complaints with the NSW legal watchdog against silk Sue Chrysanthou and Porter’s solicitor, Rebekah Giles, for their conduct in representing the former Attorney-General in his defamation case against the ABC. 

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Silk Sue Chrysanthou says costs in dispute over Porter brief ‘substantial’
Defamation 2021-07-20 2:00 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Noting that the legal costs of a dispute over whether she could represent federal minister Christian Porter in his defamation case were “substantial”, Sue Chrysanthou SC has asked to see invoices before she agrees to a lump sum bill of $550,000.

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Barilaro plans ‘wholesale attack’ on Youtuber Jordan Shanks’ truth defence
Defamation 2021-07-09 2:47 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

NSW Deputy Premier John Barilaro will seek to strike out YouTube star Jordan Shanks’ defence to a defamation lawsuit which argues the imputation that the Nationals leader is a “corrupt conman” is substantially true.

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YouTuber Jordan Shanks brings truth defence in defamation case by NSW deputy premier
Defamation 2021-07-08 6:24 pm By Miklos Bolza

YouTube star Jordan Shanks has filed his defence to NSW Deputy Premier John Barilaro’s defamation lawsuit, claiming imputations from one of his videos that the Nationals leader was a “corrupt conman” were substantially true.

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‘Cynical and cranky’ tweeter not a journalist, judge rules in defamation case
Defamation 2021-07-06 5:51 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A self-described “citizen journalist” who publishes “cynical and cranky” opinions about the Australian Stock Exchange on the Twitter account Stockswami cannot claim journalist privilege to protect his source, a judge has found.

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