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Viagogo wins stay of $7M penalty after evidence of COVID-19’s ‘catastrophic’ impact
Competition & Consumer Protection 2021-03-04 2:44 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Crying poor during COVID-19, Viagogo has won a temporary stay of a $7 million penalty imposed by a court that found the ticket reseller misled customers on an ā€œindustrial scaleā€.

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Viagogo seeks stay of $7M penalty, citing ‘catastrophic effect’ of COVID-19 pandemic
Appeals 2021-02-23 2:29 pm By Miklos Bolza

Ticket reseller Viagogo is seeking a stay of a $7 million penalty in litigation brought by the ACCC in light of the “catastrophic effect” of the COVID-19 pandemic, as the company appeals a court’s finding that it misled customers on an “industrial scale”.

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