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ASIC wins bad advice case against IOOF unit RI Advice
Financial Services 2021-08-02 10:30 am By Cindy Cameronne

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has won its case against IOOF unit RI Advice, with a judge finding the financial services firm failed to ensure its advisers acted in the best interests of clients and did not give inappropriate advice.

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ASIC triumphs in ‘bad advice’ case against IOOF unit
Financial Services 2021-03-24 12:29 pm By Miklos Bolza

A former financial advisor employed by an IOOF unit accused of taking hefty commissions for steering investors towards risky investments contravened the financial advice provisions of the Corporations Act, a judge has found.

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Fair trial may not be possible for adviser targeted by ASIC in IOOF unit case, court told
Financial Services 2021-03-01 9:57 pm By Christine Caulfield

A financial adviser at the centre of ASIC’s bad advice case against an IOOF unit might mount an argument that a fair trial is not possible because of his “fulsome” answers to investigators during a compulsory examination.

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ASIC proves prescient with failure of mediation on eve of IOOF trial
Financial Services 2021-02-26 9:52 pm By Christine Caulfield

ASIC’s warning about the futility of mediation with an IOOF subsidiary has proved prophetic, with talks last week failing to resolve the regulator’s case ahead of trial starting Monday.

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‘Completely futile’: ASIC resists mediation push from judge concerned about cost of IOOF trial
Financial Services 2021-02-08 12:25 pm By Spencer Fowler Steen

A judge has ordered ASIC to enter mediation before heading into a “very expensive” trial with an IOOF subsidiary accused of giving shonky advice, over objections from the regulator that mediation would be “completely futile”.

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Djab Wurrung ‘directions’ trees at Victorian highway upgrade site win temporary protection
Transportation & Infrastructure 2020-12-03 10:59 pm By Christine Caulfield

A judge has issued a temporary injunction stopping roadworks along the Buangor and Ararat stretch of the Western Highway improvement project in Victoria ahead of a trial over the cultural significance of the area for its traditional owners.

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IOOF unit can’t stop ASIC from using royal commission evidence
Financial Services 2020-09-07 6:37 pm By Miklos Bolza

An IOOF subsidiary sued over “bad advice” has failed in its bid to stop ASIC from using documents from the banking royal commission as evidence in the case, with a judge saying the company had already provided the material to the financial watchdog without objection.

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Lindsay Fox, Max Beck lose high-stakes valuation case over Essendon Airport
Transportation & Infrastructure 2019-09-02 11:52 pm By Christine Caulfield

Billionaire Lindsay Fox and property magnate Max Beck have lost a dispute over the valuation of land at their jointly operated Essendon Airport, with a judge siding with the Federal Government’s method that calculated the site’s value at $349 million, not $7.1 million as claimed by their expert.

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