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Long-serving producer sues Network Ten alleging $400,000 redundancy pay shortfall
Employment 2020-09-04 7:40 pm By Christine Caulfield

A former Network Ten executive producer, who worked for the broadcaster for over 30 years, is suing the company claiming it underpaid her severance entitlements to the tune of almost $400,000.

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Judge urges Komatsu to consider ‘adequacy’ of sex harassment defence
Employment 2020-08-05 7:24 pm By Alison Eveleigh

A judge has told mining equipment provider Komatsu to consider whether its sex harassment policies and training are an “adequate” defence to serious allegations of harassment and bullying by a female employee.

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James Cook University hit with $1.2M judgment for sacking climate skeptic
Employment 2019-09-06 9:34 pm By Miklos Bolza

A court has ordered James Cook University to pay over $1.2 million to a controversial climate change professor who was sacked in a manner the judge found “reprehensibly unfair” and an “egregious abuse of power”.

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Ex-Reinventure partner must have independent valuer assess her claim to cut of $100M
Financial Services 2019-08-07 3:09 pm By Miklos Bolza

The former partner of Westpac-backed venture capital firm Reinventure Group has been ordered to appoint an independent valuer to clarify the claimed loss against her former employer before the parties enter mediation.

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