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Judge ‘far too demanding’ in Worley class action, shareholder says
Class Actions 2025-03-20 11:28 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge was too exacting in deciding the applicant in a shareholder class action against engineering services firm Worley suffered no loss from misleading guidance, an appeals court has heard.

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In shareholder class action appeal, Worley argues judge ‘went off the rails’
Appeals 2025-03-19 11:01 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge “went off the rails” in finding Worley liable for misleading or deceptive conduct, a lawyer for the engineering services company has said on the first day of an appeal in a shareholder class action.

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High Court asked to take up class action against BHP for second time
Class Actions 2025-03-13 11:08 pm By Sam Matthews

A drawn out class action against BHP has asked the High Court to clarify the correct approach to construing a group member definition, after a bid to retroactively amend the class was nixed on appeal.

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BHP says ‘extremely significant’ changes to class action put trial date at risk
Energy & Natural Resources 2025-02-25 3:26 pm By Sam Matthews

BHP has asked for more time to grapple with a shareholder class action’s amended pleading, saying the changes, if allowed, threaten to derail the trial start date in September.

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BHP class action can expand group definition, but not retroactively
Appeals 2025-02-12 10:34 am By Cindy Cameronne

A class action against BHP can include in the group member definition investors who bought shares on secondary platforms, but the change can’t apply retroactively.

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AMP class action ‘in search of a case’ after four years, court told
Class Actions 2024-11-29 11:00 pm By Sam Matthews

AMP has won its bid for more information on a class action’s allegations that it charged excessive insurance premiums, saying the applicant appeared to be “in search of a case”.

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BHP says shareholders can’t expand class action because of ‘drafting error’
Class Actions 2024-11-08 11:12 pm By Cindy Cameronne

BHP has told an appeals court a shareholder class action should not be allowed to expand the group definition to correct an alleged drafting error.

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BHP class action gets 3 extra weeks for high-stakes trial
Class Actions 2024-10-30 11:03 pm By Sam Matthews

A shareholder class action against BHP over the 2015 Fundao dam collapse in Brazil has won a bid to add an extra three weeks to a six-week hearing to account for any evidentiary surprises.

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Early common fund orders blessed by NZ appeals court in ANZ class action
Class Actions 2024-07-19 10:00 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A New Zealand appeals court has ruled that common fund orders can be made in class actions, even at the early stages, departing from the High Court of Australia in finding the commercial viability of a proceeding enhances access to justice. 

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BHP class action to take fresh look at pleadings after failure of CBA cases
Class Actions 2024-07-18 1:28 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A shareholder class action against BHP has sought more time to finalise its pleadings ahead of trial, after a judge threw out two class actions against the Commonwealth Bank that also alleged continuous disclosure breaches.

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