Law firm Holding Redlich has snagged two MinterEllison partners to grow its Canberra office and bolster its offering to government clients.
The Full Court has granted a bid for a costs certificate by a former Atanaskovic Hartnell general manager whose win in an employment suit was overturned due to a judge’s “uncritical copying and pasting” of submissions.
UK law firm DWF has recruited nine insurance partners from Hall & Wilcox to power its growth in Australia.
A Tasmanian Supreme Court judge found guilty of assaulting and emotionally abusing his fiance has avoided jail time, but faces removal from the bench if he doesn’t step down.
Law firm HFW has hired two Sydney-based special counsel from Dentons and Meridan Lawyers to boost its growing insurance group.
Herbert Smith Freehills is planning a merger with US law firm Kramer Levin that will make it one of the 20 largest firms worldwide with over US$2 billion in combined revenue from day one.
A time-strapped judge’s decision that was set aside for “uncritical copying and pasting” exposes deeper issues about stressed judges at under-resourced courts with “extraordinary workloads”, experts say.
Still feeling aftershocks from last year’s tax leaks scandal, PricewaterhouseCoopers has lost seven partners to the risk and regulatory team of Big Six law firm MinterEllison.
A Western Australian solicitor has been struck from the roll after he continued to practice under a cancelled licence following mismanagement of trust funds and a failure to lodge tax returns.
Longtime tax partner at Baker McKenzie has made the jump to Jones Day, joining the firm’s Sydney office.