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Piper Alderman heads to mediation in dispute with female partner accused of bullying
Business of Law 2019-03-01 9:16 pm By Christine Caulfield

A senior female partner at Piper Alderman will go into mediation this week with representatives of the firm’s partnership to try to resolve her sex discrimination lawsuit, which alleges a group of equity partners have used baseless complaints of bullying to try to push her out.

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Piper Alderman accused of ‘skulduggery’ in push to oust female partner
Business of Law 2019-02-26 2:08 pm By Christine Caulfield

A leading female partner at Piper Alderman, who is suing the firm’s other partners for sex discrimination, has told a court their attempt to oust her from the partnership was based on groundless claims of bullying and was a case of “skulduggery”.

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Piper Alderman to defend sex discrimination case by senior female partner
Business of Law 2019-02-22 9:56 pm By Christine Caulfield

Law firm Piper Alderman said Friday it would defend a sex discrimination case brought by a leading female partner against the firm’s partnership, saying it did “not tolerate inappropriate workplace behaviour of any kind”.

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DLA Piper resolves QC’s case over $274,000 in unpaid fees
Business of Law 2019-02-22 12:13 pm By Christine Caulfield

DLA Piper appears to have settled a case brought by a Queen’s Counsel alleging it skipped out on $274,000 in fees because the firm’s client had not paid its bill.

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Leading female lawyer at Piper Alderman sues partnership for sex discrimination
Business of Law 2019-02-21 2:22 pm By Christine Caulfield

A female Piper Alderman partner has filed a sex discrimination lawsuit against the firm’s other partners and has won a temporary injunction blocking the partnership from ousting her.

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Third judge to hear ex-partner’s suit against Norton Rose
Employment 2019-02-18 11:04 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A judge has recused herself from hearing a lawsuit brought against Norton Rose Fulbright by a former partner, two months after the judge that was initially assigned to the matter dodged a recusal bid by reallocating the case.

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Employment partner loses appeal over ‘offensive’ letters to Lander & Rogers lawyer
Business of Law 2019-02-13 10:56 pm By Christine Caulfield

An appeals court has reinstated charges of unsatisfactory professional conduct against the principal of a leading employment law firm, after the lawyer called opposing counsel at Lander & Rogers “fundamentally dishonest”.

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Mills Oakley settles with lawyer allegedly sacked for drunk partner complaints
Employment 2019-02-11 8:05 pm By Miklos Bolza

Mills Oakley has settled a lawsuit brought by a former special counsel alleging the firm terminated her employment after she complained about a partner who she says showed up drunk to work and overbilled clients.

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Barristers suing DLA Piper over $370,000 in fees did not do all the work, court told
Business of Law 2019-02-04 11:21 am By Christine Caulfield

Two barristers suing DLA Piper over $370,000 in fees did not perform all the work for which they billed the law firm, a court heard Monday.

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Herbert Smith Freehills to represent AMP in ASIC suit over Clayton Utz docs
Business of Law 2019-01-18 9:55 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

AMP has retained Herbert Smith Freehills — one of its go-to law firms — to represent it in legal proceedings by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission seeking documents from Clayton Utz as part of an ongoing investigation of the wealth manager’s fees-for-no-service conduct.

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