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ABC settles defamation suit over ‘Putin’s Patriots’
Defamation 2022-06-24 4:46 pm By Christine Caulfield

The ABC has settled a lawsuit byĀ the head of Russian motorcycle club Night Wolves over an allegedly defamatory Four Corners report.

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The show must not go on: Craig McLachlan drops defamation case
Defamation 2022-05-20 6:13 pm By Sam Matthews

Actor Craig McLachlan has dropped his defamation suit against the ABC, Fairfax and actress Christie Whelan Browne mid-trial just as the defence was due to start its case.

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Eleven women to testify they were harassed by actor Craig McLachlan
Trials 2022-05-10 9:30 pm By Sam Matthews

Eleven women will give evidence of sexually inappropriate behaviour by actor Craig McLachlan in his defamation case against Rocky Horror Show co-star Christie Whelan Browne and publishers ABC and Fairfax, including one actress who worked with him on the set of Neighbours in the late 1980s.Ā 

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Showbiz ‘different to other workplaces’, Craig McLachlan’s lawyer tells court
Defamation 2022-05-09 9:41 pm By Sam Matthews

A parade of actors are expected to take the stand and testify against Craig McLachlan at a trial that kicked off Monday in his defamation case against Rocky Horror Show co-star Christie Whelan Browne and publishers ABC and Fairfax.

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ABC’s ‘fool’ claims shot down in defamation suit over ‘Putin’s Patriots’
Defamation 2022-05-06 5:15 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge has struck out part of the ABC’s defence in a lawsuit by the head of Russian motorcycle club Night Wolves over an allegedly defamatory Four Corners report.

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Chaser star Julian Morrow deceived co-producer over ABC show The Checkout, court finds
Media 2022-04-14 4:47 pm By Miklos Bolza

Chaser star Julian Morrow engaged in misleading and deceptive conduct and breached his directorial duties by taking over a joint venture behind the hit ABC consumer affairs program The Checkout while hiding the fact that he was negotiating a seventh season of the series, a court has found.

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Mick Gatto loses appeal in defamation case against ABC
Defamation 2022-04-14 10:42 pm By Sam Matthews

Underworld figure Mick Gatto has lost a bid to appeal a decision dismissing his defamation claims against the ABC over an article he said accused him of threatening to kill gangland lawyer Nicola Gobbo.

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ABC’s Four Corners targeted in deceit case by former industrial judge
Public Corruption 2022-03-09 5:51 pm By Miklos Bolza

A former Fair Work Commission vice president has sued the ABC for allegedly tricking him into participating in a Four Corners interview about his relationship with controversial union figure Kathy Jackson, who was found to have misused $1.4 million in union funds.

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Christian Porter, Sue Chrysanthou hit with $430,200 bill in Jo Dyer lawsuit
Defamation 2022-01-19 5:43 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Christian Porter and silk Sue Chrysanthou have been ordered to pay $430,200 in legal costs to Jo Dyer, a friend of the woman who accused Porter of rape, after she succeeded in having the barrister removed from the former attorney-generalā€™s defamation lawsuit against the ABC.

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ABC settles lawsuit by ‘overworked’ senior reporter
Employment 2021-12-15 11:57 am By Christine Caulfield

The ABC has resolved a discrimination lawsuit brought by a reporter who claimed she developed a medical condition as a result of being overworked.

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