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ACCC clears Coles’ acquisition of Saputo milk processing plants
Competition & Consumer Protection 2023-12-01 10:05 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission will not oppose Coles’ plans to acquire two milk processing plants from Saputo, saying the $105 million deal is not likely to substantially lessen competition.

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ACCC flags concerns with Coles acquisition of Saputo dairy plants
Competition & Consumer Protection 2023-07-20 12:30 pm By Gareth Baker

The ACCC has raised concerns about Coles plans to acquire milk processing plants from Saputo, with the regulator saying the transaction — marking the first time a supermarket chain has ventured into the processing market — would be a ā€œmajor structural changeā€.

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Coles, Woolworths ‘can’t hide behind’ poor records, court told as underpayments trial kicks off
Trials 2023-06-05 5:56 pm By Cindy Cameronne

On the first day of trial in parallel class actions and regulatory proceedings, the Fair Work Ombudsman panned the payment systems adopted by Woolworths and Coles for salaried managers, saying they were ā€œentirely foreignā€ to the industrial award and that the supermarket giants had ā€œno meaningful proper recordsā€ for overtime.Ā 

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No livestream for trial in wage cases against Coles, Woolworths
Employment 2023-04-28 2:51 pm By Christine Caulfield

A Federal Court judge has pulled the plug on a bid by the Fair Work Ombudsman for an upcoming trial in wage cases against supermarket giants Coles and Woolworths to be livestreamed like other hearings of public interest in the court.

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Law firm’s bid for Coles, Woolworths worker details could cause chaos, court told
Employment 2023-02-17 4:10 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A law firm running underpayments class actions against Coles and Woolworths has sought orders forcing them to hand over contact details for key workers in the Fair Work Ombudsmanā€™s parallel cases, which the supermarket giants lashed as likely to ā€œcause chaosā€ in the proceedings.

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Coles taken to court by FWO over $115M in staff underpayments
Employment 2021-12-02 2:27 pm By Bianca Hrovat

The Fair Work Ombudsman has taken supermarket giant Coles to court for allegedly underpaying more than 7,800 staff members $115 million over three years.

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Judge says tweaking class closure order requires analysis of power, won’t go there
Class Actions 2021-02-19 11:52 pm By Christine Caulfield

A judge has refused to extend the date by which Coles workers can register to join an employment class action against the supermarket giant as part of a class closure order, saying the amendment would force a hearing on his power to make the order.

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FWC ‘misconstrued’ general protections authority, Full Court says in win for Coles
Employment 2020-09-14 6:00 pm By Christine Caulfield

A landmark judgment by the Full Federal Court has found that a full bench of the Fair Work Commission “misconstrued” its own authority to make general protections findings about the dismissal of employees.

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Two more supermarket giants may face underpayments class actions
Class Actions 2020-05-20 12:39 pm By Alison Eveleigh

Two leading independent supermarket groups are the latest retail giants to face possible class actions for alleged wage underpayments, in the wake of class actions lobbed against Woolworths and Coles.

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Coles faces underpayment class action by supermarket managers
Class Actions 2020-05-15 9:39 pm By Christine Caulfield

Supermarket giant Coles has been hit with a class action after revealing in February that it owes staff in its supermarket and liquor businesses at least $20 million in pay.

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