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$20M settlement in NAB class action OK’d despite concerns over lawyersā€™ fees
Class Actions 2025-02-26 10:14 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge has approved a $20 million settlement in a class action against NAB, despite initial concerns about the ā€œmoral hazardā€ of paying fees incurred by the applicant’s former lawyers to prepare ā€œsub-optimal pleadingsā€.

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Court rejects NAB super trustee’s bid for first-ever class action indemnity costs
Class Actions 2025-02-26 4:38 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A court has refused to order the applicant in a failed class action against NULIS Nominees to pay indemnity costs, but has confirmed that so-called Calderbank offers can operate in group proceedings.

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NAB resolves discrimination suit alleging ‘boys club culture’
Financial Services 2025-02-17 3:55 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

NAB has settled a suit by a former exec who alleged she was discriminated against and bullied, including having a baseball bat brandished at her.

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NAB super fund trustee says failed class action rejected $25M offer
Financial Services 2025-02-12 2:42 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Former NAB superannuation fund trustee NULIS is seeking the first ever award of indemnity costs in a class action that flopped following the rejection of a settlement offer.

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NAB accused of rescinding job offer to pregnant employee
Employment 2024-11-21 2:46 pm By Julia Kanapathippillai

A former NAB employee has taken the bank to court alleging her employment offer was rescinded after her boss discovered she was pregnant.

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ASIC takes NAB to court over customer hardship claims
Financial Services 2024-11-18 12:51 pm By Julia Kanapathippillai

The corporate watchdog is suing the second Big Four bank in two months, alleging NAB mishandled hundreds of hardship applications from vulnerable customers.

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In fight to protect UBank brand, NAB wins challenge to UWallet trade mark
Financial Services 2024-11-06 1:53 pm By Cindy Cameronne

NAB has successfully opposed a US companyā€™s bid to register a trade mark for ‘UWallet’, with IP Australia rejecting claims the bank was trying to establish a ā€œde facto monopolyā€.

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Climate activist firm takes NAB to court
Climate change 2024-06-07 11:42 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A law firm that has gone after major banks and the federal government over their climate exposure has trained its sight on the National Australia Bank.

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NAB settles trade mark spat with You Need A Budget app
Intellectual Property 2024-03-12 9:21 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

National Australia Bank has resolved trade mark proceedings brought against US budgeting app You Need A Budget, alleging the YNAB app, which helps users manage their finances, steps on its well-known trade mark and will confuse Australians.

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ā€˜Air of a Kafka novelā€™: NAB loses bid to suppress misleading or deceptive conduct case
Financial Services 2024-02-19 3:25 pm By Cindy Cameronne

National Australia Bank has lost its bid to shield a case by a Melbourne gold bullion dealer after a judge said one of the bankā€™s arguments for suppression had ā€œthe air of a Kafka novelā€.

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