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High Court to hear Securency appeal after $65M ‘shabby fraud’ award slashed
Article 2019-10-23 4:43 pm By Miklos Bolza

The High Court has granted a Nigerian agent tricked into terminating his contract with international bank note manufacturer CCL Secure special leave to appeal a Full Federal Court judgment slashing a $65 million award in his favour.

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IOOF unit wins stay of $76M judgment as it mulls appeal of case against Sparke Helmore
Restructuring & Insolvency 2019-10-22 11:00 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A judge has briefly stayed his $76.6 million judgment against IOOF subsidiary Australian Executor Trustees over the sale of a timber plantation by the collapsed Gunns Group as AET weighs an appeal of the ruling, which dismissed its cross-claim against law firm Sparke Helmore.

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Firefighters agreement doesn’t discriminate against women, FWC says
Employment 2019-10-22 9:15 pm By Miklos Bolza

The Federal Government has lost a challenge raising discrimination concerns around a Fair Work Commission-approved enterprise agreement covering metropolitan firefighters in Victoria, with an FWC review panel finding its appeal lacked merit.

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Full Court shoots down Fortescue’s appeal of native title ruling
Appeals 2019-10-18 9:44 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Mining magnate Andrew Forest’s Fortescue Metals is facing a possible compensation claim after losing its appeal of a ruling that granted native title to to the Yinjibarndi people over a large section of land in the Pilbara region of Western Australia.

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Full Federal Court reimposes ban on Prime Trust directors
White Collar 2019-10-15 12:43 am By Cat Fredenburgh

The Full Federal Court has reimposed bans against four former directors of collapsed retirement village owner Prime Trust, including former federal health minister Michael Wooldridge, following a successful High Court challenge by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.

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High Court finds Connective Services broke the law with share transfer litigation
Appeals 2019-10-09 8:59 pm By Miklos Bolza

The High Court has shut down a lawsuit by mortgage aggregator Connective Services over the transfer of one third of the company’s shares after finding the proceeding prejudiced shareholders and contravened the Corporations Act.

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Court of Appeal tosses Quinn Emanuel challenge to AMP beauty parade loss
Appeals 2019-10-08 4:38 pm By Miklos Bolza

A challenge by Quinn Emanuel to a NSW Supreme Court decision staying its shareholder class action against AMP has been unanimously dismissed by the Court of Appeal, which found the class action beauty contest was not decided in error and that subsequently filed representative proceedings were not an abuse of process.

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Full Court finds Bellamy’s cost-capping appeal ‘not strong’, but denies indemnity costs
Class Actions 2019-10-07 4:53 pm By Miklos Bolza

A failed challenge by baby food maker Bellamy’s Australia to a decision rejecting its application to limit legal costs in two class actions was “not strong”, but was not so unreasonable as to put them on the hook for indemnity costs, the Full Federal Court has ruled.

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Westpac gives court more reasons to uphold win in ASIC’s responsible lending case
Appeals 2019-10-07 1:41 pm By Miklos Bolza

Westpac has offered an appeals court two more reasons to affirm its victory in a closely watched responsible lending case brought by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission over almost 262,000 home loans.

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Sacked HWL Ebsworth lawyer fights to revive unfair dismissal case
Appeals 2019-10-07 11:58 am By Cat Fredenburgh

A former HWL Ebsworth special counsel has appealed a ruling that tossed his unlawful dismissal case against the firm as “trivial” and “wholly unrealistic”.

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