The developer of a suite of Holiday Inn Express hotels has succeeded in its appeal of a ruling that laid bare privileged material connected to its lawyers’ bills.
The High Court has overturned a controversial decision that put a judge on the hook for a man’s false imprisonment, finding that all judges are immune from civil suits for acts done in the performance of their judicial duties.
A class action against BHP can include in the group member definition investors who bought shares on secondary platforms, but the change can’t apply retroactively.
The Full Court has found insurer Allianz is not liable to indemnify the Uniting Church for historic claims of sexual abuse at exclusive Sydney boys’ private school Knox Grammar.
Former NSW One Nation leader Mark Latham has appealed a defamation judgment for independent Sydney MP Alex Greenwich, arguing a homophobic tweet was not likely to cause serious harm to Greenwich’s reputation.
The High Court has declined to hear an appeal by insurers over coverage for the class action defence costs of Opal Tower’s consultant engineer.
The High Court has rejected Clive Palmer’s nephew bid for review of a decision that rejected his bid to dodge contempt proceedings.
Energy company AGL is fighting a $25 million penalty imposed by a court for continuing to deduct payments from hundreds of welfare recipients after their accounts were closed.
The High Court has agreed to weigh in on when uncommon use of land amounts to a nuisance in a class action by small business owners over Sydney’s light rail construction.
Jailed former Labor politicians Ian Macdonald and Eddie Obeid, and his son Moses Obeid, have asked the High Court to toss their convictions for conspiracy to rig a mining exploration tender.