An environmental group has lodged an appeal over the extension of the Mount Pleasant coal mine in NSW operated by MACH Energy.
A High Court majority has found self-represented law firms can recover costs for their solicitorsā work, but in dissent two judges said the ruling effectively restored an exception scrapped five years ago.
AAI has lost its bid to appeal an order joining it to a class action over alleged combustible cladding installed at two high-rise towers in Liverpool, NSW.Ā
The High Court has dismissed an appeal of a finding that a successor trustee owes no fiduciary duty to a former trustee to preserve an entitlement to indemnification.
Super Retail Group’s former top lawyer is fighting the dismissal of her application for performance of a settlement she says was reached following her dismissal from the company.
The government of India has overturned a finding that it couldnāt dodge a $111.3 million arbitral award in a dispute with three Mauritian companies, with an appeals court finding it did not waive foreign state immunity in the case. Ā
An appeals court has overturned a ruling that HWL Ebsworth invalidly expelled a capital partner in 2020 and rejected claims the firm improperly sought to exclude him from a proposed IPO.Ā
Ultra Tune has lost its appeal of a record $1.5 million fine for contempt after it failed to follow a court-ordered compliance program in proceedings brought by the consumer watchdog.
Wealth guru Dominque Grubisa wants the High Court to overturn a finding that she had actual knowledge her company’s statements were misleading, saying the case raises unresolved questions about accessorial liability.
Mineralogy has lost its bid for expanded discovery from CITIC in a case seeking to compel the Clive Palmer-owned tenement owner to file expansion proposals allegedly needed to maintain production at a Pilbara iron mine.